Al Gore

What Joe Biden’s Electoral College “Victory” Really Means

Kit Knightly So, the electoral college cast their votes, and they handed Joe Biden the Presidency. The decision was never in any serious doubt. We’ve been over the evidence the election was rigged, we’ve discussed at length the potential corruption of postal ballots (historically the least safe way to vote, and most liable to fraud). …

Voting is Overrated (2000)

American Spectator Online / Knight Ridder syndicate @ November 4, 2000 Voting is Overrated by James Bovard Voting is dangerously overrated as a surefire safeguard to preserve liberty. Vice President Al Gore is clearly the most dangerous candidate running for the Presidency. If Gore wins, the pernicious trends of the Clinton era will continue full […]
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The Moralistic Mauvaise Foi of Planet of the Humans

The final message of Jeff Gibbs’ new documentary Planet of the Humans can hardly be faulted: rejection of the centuries-old anthropocentrism which has justified dominion over, and exploitation of, all other life-forms. Without mentioning Deep Ecology or the anti-industrial critiques of radical environmentalists, the movie does implicitly follow the lead of earlier thinkers such as Arne Naess.  For decades, such a radical critique of the Industrial Revolution, presented by maverick theorists (Mumford, Ellul) and developed in obscure ‘zines (e.g., Fifth Estate), was on the i