
Your “Organic” Milk may be Produced with Non-Organic Ingredients

DHA Milk made by Horizon, one of the largest organic brands in the U.S., isn’t nearly as “natural” as the company advertises it to be, according to an investigation by The Washington Post. It contains a type of algae, Schizochytrium, which is fed corn syrup. Corn is the #1 crop grown in the United States, and nearly all of it is genetically modified.

Chemicals Banned in Kids’ Toys Found in Mac and Cheese

Boxed macaroni and cheese is often a favorite food among youngsters, but a recent study suggests the packaged food contains dangerous, endocrine-disrupting chemicals that have been banned in toys: phthalates. [1]
Phthalates are a group of toxic additives in plastics. They’re used to make plastics soft and flexible, and are commonly found in artificial fragrances, inks, coatings, adhesives, and other consumer and industrial products, the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) explains.

Are You Eating Fake Olive Oil?

With high-end food profits often being as lucrative as street drug-trade, the problem of ‘fake foods’ continues to persist. One main ‘fake food’ stocking store shelves is olive oil – with fake olive oil being exported from Italy. With first-pressed, real olive oil going for as much as $50 a gallon, food fakers have been adding cheap additives like sunflower or canola oil to real, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) to produce the same gallon of ‘olive oil’ for as little as $7.

How This Loophole Allows Food Companies to Police Themselves

If you wouldn’t dream of buying a food product before reading the label, you are not alone. More people than ever want to know what’s in the food they are buying, ruling out products containing known food additives. After reading several labels and being appalled at the amount of additives most foods contain, people want to know why this is being allowed. The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) has an answer, but it may not pass the test of common sense.

Guess How Many Calories Are in a Typical Fast Food Meal

Not much has changed in how ‘fast’ food is made in America. Since 1996, the number of calories in a typical fast food meal are about the same as they are today. Can you guess just how many calories that mega food makers like to put in their mass-consumed food – aside from harmful ingredients like the high fructose corn syrup, GMO corn and soy, chemical flavorings, MSG, toxic food dyes, and other ‘additives?