
Tactical adaptation to Indian heat waves

by Judith Curry
Ahmedabad’s Heat Action Plan offers a proven track record and model to protect their residents from heat waves.  My Georgia Tech/CFAN colleagues Violeta Toma, Peter Webster and Mark Jelinek are enabling this Plan with a pioneering heat wave forecast product to help the Ahmedabad Municipal Council determine when to implement a heat alert.

Montgomery’s Senate testimony: economics of climate adaptation

by Judith Curry
If we really want to help globally, there is clear evidence that most can be accomplished through effective support at a community level for locally-designed and implemented adaptation measures in Africa and poor Asian countries where the real vulnerability exists, not nugatory mitigation that helps no one. – W. David Montgomery

UK-US Workshop Part II: Perspectives from the private sector on climate adaptation

by Judith Curry Perspectives on climate change adaptation from Coca Cola, SwissRe, and Acclimatise. In Part I UK-US Workshop on Climate Science Needed to Support Robust Adaptation Decisions,  we considered presentations  from the ‘demand’ side, presenting perspectives from the UNFCCC, … Continue reading →