Adam Lanza

Terrorists Slaughter’ Nothing New, but Certain Acts Inspire Mindless Panic and Threats to Freedom, Others Mindless Defense of the 2nd Amendment

A staggering 168 people, 12 times as many as those killed earlier this week in San Bernardino, and including a whole daycare center class of 15 little children, were killed by a crazed terrorist in the 1995 Oklahome City truck-bombing of the Murrah Federal Building. The killer, Timothy McVeigh, was a right-wing Christian fanatic who wanted to avenge the killing of a bunch of Christian cultists in Waco, Texas by federal agents two years earlier. His accomplice Terry Nichols had the same deranged goal.

Muslim vs. White Mass Murderers

In the early months of 2015, there have been two separate mass murders inside France that have generated headlines worldwide for their brutality and disregard for human life. In early January, brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi entered the Paris offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and gunned down 11 employees, and shot dead one police officer on their way out.

SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Confidential Informant# 5866, Death Threats, Arson & Murders?; Yale & Mind Control

2014.7.4 (AE) – The Connecticut State Police (CSP) registered a Confidential Informant (CI) in January 2013.  CSP Spokesman Paul Vance Sr. claimed investigators solved the crime within 24 hours, so exactly who needed to be “informed on”???… or was the CI hired to perform other tasks.

SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Robbie Parker – Was he ‘OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL’ During Shootings AND At The Hospital ‘IN LOCKDOWN’ at the same time?

2014.3.22 (AE) – Robbie Parker claims to be IN TWO PLACES AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME on the morning of the Sandy Hook Massacre…
The following video shows irrefutable evidence, based on official documents, like the “Sandy Hook Final Reports”, proving beyond any doubt whatsoever, that Robbie Parker was standing “OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL” at exactly 9:36:48AM and speaking to 911 operators… DURING THE SHOOTINGS!!!