911 general analysis

Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Many Ways Our Rights Have Been Usurped Since 9/11

John whitehead “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln Those who gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights believed that the government exists at the behest of its citizens. It is there …

Good Science vs Bad Science and Propaganda: A review of Seven

Dr Piers Robinson Among the many controversies surrounding the events of 9/11 one of the most prominent has been the question of how, many hours after the collapse of the Twin Towers, the 47-storey WTC7 building suffered a total collapse, all in a matter of seconds. The persistence of this controversy is hardly surprising. WTC7 …

Contrived Spectacles of “Protecting and Caring for the People”

Thomas Harrington The 1970s marked an important turning point in the history of Western democracies. Having led their populations to the obscene carnage of World War II in reaction to Nazi aggression, the elites of North America and their non-communist European subjects understood — above all, for pragmatic reasons linked to the need to rebuild …