60 Minutes

All Eyes On Flake-- Will He, As Is His Wont-- Disappoint Us Again?

When The Arizona Republican Party first selected Flake as its candidate for the open U.S. Senate seat in 2012, he had already served 6 terms (12 years) in Congress. Before that he had been executive director the the Barry Goldwater Institute. His credentials as an extreme right-wing kook-- with a libertarian bent-- could not be challenged. His first primary was against 4 conservatives, although Flake was by far the most conservative. In the House he was a bit of a pest to establishment Republicans as he fought to end earmarks and special interest corruption.

Russian scientist CAUGHT leaking key hypersonic missile data to NATO (VIDEO)

The Russian Federation’s VESTI news program “60 minutes” reports that one of their missile development scientists, 74 year old Dr. Viktor Kudryavtsev, an aerodynamics and hydrodynamics expert, was arrested by the FSB two months ago on charges of espionage in connection with passing along classified information about the breakthrough Avangard and Kinzhal hypersonic missile technology to NATO operatives.

Trump Triumphed Despite Having All Of Roy Cohn’s Debits But None Of His Assets-- Legal Cunning, Brainpower And Loyalty. And Michael Cohen?

Yesterday ABC News reported some financial shenanigans that show one way Señor Trumpanzee has been obstructing justice, using his crooked campaign pay for the defense of his crooked lawyer, Michael Cohen. Do you think Trump would be paying for Cohen's lawyers if Cohen were cooperating with the Justice Department? So far Trump has thrown in nearly a quarter million dollars to keep Cohen from flipping.

Does anyone get the irony here?

This is like one of those “a guy walks into a bar…” jokes. Really. Last night on one of America’s most venerable news magazine programs, “60 Minutes”, CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed Stephanie Clifford, a.k.a. “Stormy Daniels” for the purpose of getting the dirt on her affair with President Donald Trump. This affair reportedly took place in 2006.

Saudi Crown Prince Gives First-Ever US Interview to ‘60 Minutes’

(MEE) — Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will arrive in the US on Monday for high-level meetings with President Donald Trump the next day. Still, before he visits the White House, the Saudi heir will introduce himself to the American public, Arab News reported. On Sunday night, the CBS television network will air an interview with the […]

Trump Considering Action to Block ’60 Minutes’ From the American People: Report

(COMMONDREAMS) — As focus continues on the $130,000 payoff at the center of a non-disclosure agreement signed (or not signed) just before the 2016 election, Buzzfeed reports Sunday that lawyers associated with President Donald Trump are “considering legal action” to stop the airing of a 60 Minutes interview between journalist Anderson Cooper and Stormy Daniels, the porn actress whose lawyer said publicly last […]

60 Minutes denies altering Steve Bannon’s appearance (Video)

Yesterday The Duran reported that CBS News used color tricks to make Steve Bannon look like a red-eyed drunk.
Following Steve Bannon’s interview with Charlie Rose, professional photographer Peter Duke published a video explaining how CBS used color adjustments to make Bannon “look bad” on television.
Professional photographer, Peter Duke wrote on his Youtube page…