4th Amendment

WATCH: South Carolina Cops Body Cam Proves Illegal Arrest of Citizen Journalist

The South Carolina town of Greer has doubled down on their police department’s blatant constitutional violations, but not how you’d expect.
The City of Greer released a body cam video-  which you can see below- where the first officer on the scene admits that the man they arrested wasn’t doing anything wrong when they rolled up and started asking for identification – without a state law enabling them to conduct a “stop and identify.”

VIDEO: South Carolina Cops Say “Videotaping” is a Crime, Discuss Deleting Footage Incident

Videotaping and photography are constitutionally protected free speech, but in South Carolina, a few police think free speech is a crime.
“What crime have I committed?” asked the citizen journalist recording video in the back of a municipal city center’s parking lot in Greer, South Carolina.
Quickly and thoroughly, the South Carolina cops were about to violate that citizen journalist’s 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th Amendment rights, all in one short video which you can see below.

Porkins Policy Radio ep. 49 Conspiracy of Misperception: Stephen Singular on the OJ Trial

Today we are joined once again by our friend Stephen Singular to dive deeper into the OJ Simpson case.  We begin by taking a closer look at Mark Fuhrman’s timeline in relation to his “discovery” of the infamous gloves.  Stephen discusses a key piece of the puzzle: Fuhrman’s multiple trips to OJ’s Rockingham property on the night of the murders.  We discuss how this was confirmed by Rosa Lopez’s testimony, but like so many key pieces of evidence, has been long forgotten.

Michigan Cop Nails Jogger With Felony, Really Did Nothing Wrong, Pleaded Guilty Anyway

A Michigan cop arrested a runner for refusing to identify herself to the officer, who claimed she was jogging down the wrong side of the road.
But the cop was wrong.
It didn’t matter, because bad legal counsel turned a clueless citizen’s bad situation into a criminal conviction.
It cost her $707 in fines.
Vera Pecaj followed her lawyer’s advice to take a plea bargain to misdemeanor charges, because she was afraid of losing possible felony verdict in court.

FBI To Apple: We Cracked iPhone Without Your Help

The FBI quit demanding Apple do their jobs for them, and in a disturbing announcement said that they could now crack the previously secure iPhone 6 recovered from the San Bernadino killers.
Apple boldly announced their opposition to a court order to unlock the phone themselves.
Supposedly, cracking one iPhone would compromise security for the entire product line.
And it all happened because the FBI botched handling the phone.

Florida Sheriff’s Deputies Seize PINAC Reporter’s Cameras and iPhone Without Warrant

Florida sheriff’s deputies seized and won’t return the iPhone and camera they confiscated from PINAC reporter Jeff Gray, even though none of them contain relevant videos of his dubious arrest while protesting.
The videos were all transmitted to Bambuser’s web service live last week, so they failed in their attempt to keep the videos from being seen by the public.