
#Killstream: Jay Dyer Live on Ralph Retort – Debating Politics, Atheists & Hollywood Ritual Crimes

A killer 3 hour interview on the Killstream with Ethan Ralph, talking about everything under the sun: debates, my new Jordan Peterson impression, hashing out political philosophy, atheism and empiricism as self-refuting, Kant, Hegel and Locke, Hollywood ritual murders and scandals, etc.
Stream or Download Audio 12

Thousands Protest Around the World on 4th Anniversary of Julian Assange’s Exile

(ANTIMEDIA) United Kingdom — On Sunday, ten cities across the world participated in “First they came for Assange.” The global event marked the fourth anniversary since WikiLeaks chief began his self-imposed detention in London’s Ecuadorian embassy. The worldwide event aimed to highlight freedom of speech and featured a number of well-known participants, including Noam Chomsky, former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, and musician Patti Smith.