2020 presidential nomination

The Word "Moderate" Has Been Perverted To Cover Up The True Meaning In Democratic Party Politics: "Conservative"

Do you ever read Historic.ly? You should. A couple of days ago they asked Paul Rockwell to write about the history of moderates. He began by reminding readers that "In 2016 Democrats nominated Hillary Clinton, not because she was a visionary, certainly not because her agenda generated enthusiasm among young voters, but because Democrats-- influenced by media-- simply assumed that centrists are automatically more electable than progressives. That assumption has no basis in reality. Even worse, the centrist viewpoint could well lead to another Clinton-like fiasco.

An Invisible Hand In The Miraculous Resuscitation Of The Comeback Codger?

Yesterday, Bernie told the media that "what has become more and more apparent, with each passing primary, is that while we are currently trailing in the delegate count, we are strongly winning the debate about the future of our country. In poll after poll after poll, including exit polls, a strong majority of the American people support our progressive agenda. The American people are deeply concerned about the grotesque levels of income and wealth inequality in this country. The American people believe it is time for the wealthy and profitable corporations to be paying their fair share.

Perfect Storm-Ularity:
 Simultaneous Tipping Of Climate, Pandemic, Economy & Politics

Wrong Rice? Close enoughIf an American civilization survives the next decade, perhaps it will infer numerological significance from the fact that each of the tipping points, which is discussed below, probably became inevitable on or around February 20, 2020, which was the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 20th year of the 20-numbered century, i.e., my birthday.I.

Michigan, Washington, Missouri, Idaho, Mississippi and North Dakota Democrats-- Don't Be Fooled... And Don't Let America Down Today

Joe and Strom-- they got things doneRemember when Biden-- before he stopped saying anything unscripted-- mentioned that by working with overt racists in the Senate "We got things done?" On the air with Amy Goodman last June, one of America's most revered public intellectuals, Ta-Nehisi Coates, stated flatly that "

Biden And Black Voters

Ibram X. Kendi is the director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University. About 5 weeks ago The Atlantic published a piece he wrote about what he fears a conservative Democrat winning the nomination. He refers to the conservative wing-- incorrectly as just as the corporate media wants him to-- as moderates. His analysis is so good, it's a shame he doesn't understand the importance of not ceding that word-- moderate-- to the right.

Will Michigan Workers Put Bernie Back On Track Tuesday?

Bernie and Biden will face off in a one on one debate on Sunday, March 15 in Phoenix (with CNN and Univision hosting-- Jake Tapper, Dana Bash and Jorge Ramos moderating). Before then, though, we have a big day this Tuesday when Michigan, Washington state, Missouri, Mississippi and Idaho hold their primaries, also the day of North Dakota's primary and the last day of Democrats Abroad primary. Michigan is the big prize-- 125 delegates. Before Super Tuesday, Bernie was leading Biden 25-16% with Bloomberg and Elizabeth both at 13%, Mayo Pete at 11% and Klobuchar at 8%.

Obama: "I Feel The Bern." Does Elizabeth Warren?

Elizabeth Warren did miserably Tuesday, even losing her own state-- and keeping Bernie from winning it against Biden! Although as more votes are counted, her total delegates may go up, as of Thursday at midday, he had won a mere 40 delegates bringing her total to just 48-- compared to 511 for Status Quo Joe and 459 for Bernie. As of Wednesday morning, she had won 7 delegates in California, 1 in Colorado, 2 in Maine, 17 in Massachusetts (less than either Biden or Bernie), 10 in Minnesota, 1 in Tennessee and 2 in Virginia.

The Democratic Party Grassroots Dream Ticket: Bernie + Elizabeth

Elizabeth Warren ended her campaign this morning and will hold a press conference later today. Listening to the corporate media since Tuesday, you would think that Bernie was no longer in the running and that the nomination was all sewn up by the Republican wing of the Democratic Party's candidate, Status Quo Joe. That's what the establishment wants you to think. But it just isn't true.