2020 presidential election

Progressives Will Largely Hold Their Noses And Vote For Biden (Who Isn't As Bad As Trump)

At this point I don't know anyone-- aside from myself-- who's still refusing to vote for Biden. No one I know-- not one person-- likes Biden or thinks he'll make a good president. Few expect him to even be a mediocre president. Most everyone I know expects him to be one of the worst... but not as bad as Trump, who is the worst... and beyond.

A Proposal For Democratic Governors In States With Republican-Controlled Legislatures

  My friend Jack Hannold came up with an interesting idea and he asked me to get it to swing state Governors Tom Wolf (D-PA), Gretchen Whitmer (MI), Tim Walz (D-MN), Steve Bullock (D-MT), Tony Evers (D-WI) and Roy Cooper (D-NC). Especially to Tom Wolf in Pennsylvania. After Trump's shout out to the violent, neo-fascist Proud Boys Tuesday night, it becomes even more salient.

Debates-- Will They Even Be Worth The Time And Effort If Republicans All Start Behaving Like Trump?

Cone Of Shame by Nancy Ohanian  Nielsen reported that 27.3 million people watched Tuesday’s shitshow on the 4 broadcast networks, about a 35% drop-off from the 45 million who watched first debate of 2016 on those networks. From what I'm hearing and reading, people tended to tune in and become so horrified by Trump's shenanigans that they tuned out pretty quickly. Trump was just plain terrible; Biden wasn't particularly good.

NJ Homeland Security Assessment Warns Violent Unrest Could Follow 2020 Election

In the lead up to the 2020 presidential election, potential civil unrest and worse has been predicted by multiple governmental agencies and assorted federal outfits, including the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness. Last week the organization published a “supplemental threat assessment” on the upcoming electoral contest subtitled “The Convergence of COVID-19, Nationwide Civil Unrest, and the Upcoming Presidential Election.”

Of Course, An Anti-Trump Landslide Is Baked Into The Cake

  Saving America by Nancy Ohanian At this point, national polling for the presidential race isn't nearly as important as swing state polling. In 2016, Hillary won 65,853,514 (48.2%) votes nationally to Trump's 62,984,828 (46.1%). But Hillary's 2,968,626 vote victory didn't mean squat in the electoral college, where Trump won 304 votes to her 227.

In January Will We Be Partying Like It's 1876? Is Biden Ready To Reprise The Samuel Tilden Character?

 Ulysses S. Grant was getting ready to leave the White House in 1876, when America experienced one of its most divisive presidential elections in history-- Samuel Tilden (D) vs Rutherford B. Hayes (R). There was an historically humongous turnout and Tilden won-- 4,288,546 (50.9%) to 4,034,311 (47.9%). But then it got sticky.