2016 presidential race

Timeline: How DNC Manipulated 2016 Presidential Race

You wonder why independent voters and millions of Democrats don't trust the establishment?-by Michael BrennanDecember 16, 2014: President Obama signs into law omnibus spending bill that increases maximum possible individual political contributions from $129,600 annually to $777,600, substantially increasing the amount of money flowing through party committees.

Michigan 2020-- Will Democrats Make The Same Mistake They Made In 2016?

Michigan used to be a reliably Republican state. Michiganders picked native son Jerry Ford over Carter in 1976, Reagan both times he ran and the George H.W. Bush over Dukakis in 1988 but in 1992 the state started turning-- and voting-- blue. Bill Clinton beat George H.W. Bush and then Dole; Bush II lost there both times he ran and then Obama won both times he ran.

Exit Polling, Vote Fraud & the 2020 Election

Discrepancy between the reported Trump vote (red vertical line) and the unadjusted exit polls (green vertical line) in the 2016 North Carolina general election. If the actual Trump vote fell anywhere within the 95% confidence interval, Trump would have lost NC.by Thomas Neuburger This is the beginning of an occasional series on vote fraud in the U.S., especially with respect to the treatment of Bernie Sanders in 2016 by the Democratic Party.

The Anti-Sanders Press Influenced the 2016 Primary. Will It Do the Same Again?

How will these people respond if they think Sanders was cheated again?by Thomas NeuburgerLike many I watched the 2016 Democratic primary carefully, and like many I was appalled by what looked like rampant cheating of varying types and degrees by national party leaders, state officials and local functionaries.