2016 GOP nomination

Is It Fair To Blame The Disintegration Of The Republican Brand On Trumpy The Clown?

Right-wing nut Marlin Stutzman (R-IN) made an interesting observation on Twitter yesterday. He reminded his 4,000 followers that Trump is a disaster and can't even poll above the Republican registration in California. He was referring to the new USC/L.A. Times poll that shows Hillary beating Trump in a head-to-head 59-28%.

Trump Can't Talk Policy So He Discusses His Deformed Penis With The Washington Post

Months ago we wrote about an analysis of Trump's vocabulary shows that he's speaking at a 4th grade level-- which, I'm afraid to say-- helps explain the affinity of many of his fans and the emotionally childish reactions they express at his rallies. But it isn't only the vocabulary that aims low. The substance of his speeches-- stand-up routine is a better description-- are perfectly suited to the 4th grade vocabulary.

Voting In Arizona And Utah Isn't Until Tuesday But The Stop-Trump Movement Has Already Decamped For Wisconsin

The NeverTrump movement doesn't really seem to be getting off the ground, although some of the OurPrinciplesPAC ads aren't bad, even if they seem to be largely ineffective. Over the weekend, the New York Times' Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin looked at the GOP establishment's puny efforts against the fascist bully who's been running circles around them.

Ryan Political Daddy, Mitt Romney Says He'll Hold His Nose And Vote For Cruz To Derail Trump

Mitt Romney is one of the men behind the curtain in the Paul Ryan For President non-campaign. He so wants to guarantee a deadlocked, brokered convention-- with or without rioting-- that he's actually caucuses for Ted Cruz next week. It's not that he wants or expects Cruz to win, it's just that he figures that's the best shot to keep Utah's delegates out of Trump's clutches.

Trump On The Warpath... Against The World

Two days ago Trump claimed "people from Bernie's crowd"-- meaning what? people with college degrees-- were protesting at his rallies. Within 24 hours the fascist bully was urging his thuggish fans to attack Bernie rallies.He doesn't have it dispatch his racist followers to rivals like Kasich and Rubio because it's now apparent to everyone that he knows exactly how easy it is to turn these GOP pipsqueaks' campaigns into smoldering ashes.

America-- Not Just The GOP-- Is Having A Moment-- Confronting Fascism

Herr Trumpf isn't just saying "Geh von meinem Rasen" (get off my lawn). He's trying a very real political revolution of his own... a fascist revolution based of fear-based violence. Please watch Rachel Maddow's clip above; I never use the words "must see" but I am today. I've been taking Trump as a laughing matter. I'm not any more. I'm not going to call him Herr Trumpf any longer on this blog. He's Trump. Joke is over. No more, "ha, ha, ha... look what the stupid Republicans have done to their pathetic party.

Who Likes Herr Trumpf? It May Shock You To Find Out

When presumptive Republican nominee, Herr Trumpf, remarks ominously-- as he often does-- that he hasn't even started on Hillary yet, what he means is that he hasn't started tearing the most ethically flawed Democratic nominee in decades to shreds. There is as much material for him to use to brand her with as is there for the Democrats-- who aren't nearly as good at it as he is-- to use to brand him with.

Herr Trumpf: "I'm Not A Settler"... He Is A Liar Though

The point of watching Herr's Trumpf's statement above is really to show whomever doesn't already know, that he's either delusional or a bold-faced liar... or both. We'll get to the lies in a moment. But if you've been watching TV as much as Herr Trumpf does, you've seen the "settler" ads he subliminally referenced a couple times in his statement. You noticed, right? "And you know what? The United States should fight back also. We shouldn't just be settlers, we should fight back. And do what's right."Trumpf seems rattled by the traction that Trump-University-As-Scam seems to be getting.