NY Times wants Reality Czar. Is NYT a puppet of Putin?

NY Times wants Reality Czar. Is NYT a puppet of Putin? ****News Topic 274***** NY Times Calls For Biden to Appoint “Reality Czar” to Fight “Misinformation” NY Times Calls For Biden to Appoint “Reality Czar” to Fight “Misinformation” The New York Times has amplified claims by “experts” who are calling for Joe Biden to appoint […]

Not Yummy-- Republican Stew

Recall when Lev and Igor were caught laundering Russian money into the Trump campaign and the campaign of dozens of Republicans in Congress? Yesterday, Christian Berthelson reported that Lev-- one of the Giuliani criminal associates was handed a million bucks from Putin in September "a month before he was charged with conspiring to funnel foreign money into U.S. political campaigns.

CONFIRMED: YouTube Censors ‘Anti-Protest’ Channels in Bid to Bolster New ‘Color Revolution’ in Hong Kong, China

The irony is almost too much to bear now. 
This week, Silicon Valley giant YouTube has taken a string out of China’s bow by deplatforming some 210 channels for posting content criticizing the recent Hong Kong protests, claiming that channels were somehow “sowing political discord” on behalf of the Chinese government.

Orwell: Neocon Icon

How do you explain the fact that the John Birch Society used 1984 as its main office telephone number in the 1960s? Or that both Animal Farm and 1984, are force-fed to virtually the entire western world in people’s formative years in their teens, even as Big Brother jacks up repression and surveillance, and pursues ever more cruel and senseless wars?
A look at Orwell’s weaknesses reveals how Big Brother turn the tables on him, getting the last laugh.