No More Legacy Blogger? This Really Blows!

Well... I knew this would happen eventually... I am toying around with my replacement Windows 10 laptop to replace the one that finally died yesterday, only to discover that I can no longer access the old "legacy blogger" for putting up articles here....And honestly, this new 'blogger' truly SUCKS and is horrendous to work with... Navigating around with it is beyond atrocious and the settings alone are absolutely ludicrous... I do wonder what in the hell the pricks behind "Google" were thinking when they said months back that they were going to 'upgrade' this site, for this is NOT an upgrade at all but a severe downgrade at best...I am beginning to believe that these fuckers did this on purpose, but I do not have positive proof (yet) that is so.... But it does lead to the famous saying 'Do not fix something that is not broke"....  But apparently this is indeed the case here...What may happen to this blog now is that I may have NO choice but to cut my association with this "Blogger" site and finally go mainstream with my own Internet website.... I have not gone that route for the simple reasons of COST and the time I would need for setting it all up (I am not an Internet website genius by a long shot..)…..I  know that others feel the same way about this 'change" for it is to me NOT a "change for the better" by a long shot....  The problem is that I am now stuck with this 'blogger" for the time being and will have to bite my tongue and try to make the best of this situation...Therefore to the fuckers behind 'Blogger', I have a message to all of you:  WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU GUYS THINKING?More to comeNTS