The COVID-19 Bullshit: Study By Researchers At UCLA And Stanford Finds Coronavirus TEN TIMES LESS "FATAL" Than Previously Thought! So WHY Continue With This Fraud?

I am continuing my daily assault on this COVID-19 bullshit, as once again a whole lot of new information was sent my way over just this last weekend by so many astute and observant readers, commentators, and colleagues...We are definitely having a major impact now in terms of beating the fuckers who tried to enslave us all through this scam-demic for the last 7 months, and I do hope that fellow real truth seekers not only continue to send material my way, but do their best to spread the message to others as well..In fact, one colleague asked me to take a look at the following short video that he came across just earlier today, and wanted me to share it with my own readers at this blog... I looked at the video, and I am more than happy to oblige...I therefore want to present the following video, that shows that a new study by researchers out of UCLA and Stanford Universities in California, finds that the 'coronavirus' is in fact TEN TIMES LESS FATAL than what has been previously assumed and put out there by the propaganda of the Jewish controlled media and our own criminal government!  Here is that video, and I have further thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I put the 'fatal' into quotes for the fact that this 'deadly virus' still has NOT even  been isolated, and therefore to assume that it is even the cause of these 'fatalities' is still up in the air and open to debate..Thus we are left with the big question as to WHY are these pricks even continuing with this fraud scam-demic, when the evidence clearly shows that it is much weaker and causes less deaths than even the common cold and regular seasonal Influenza?   The answer is obvious in that these criminal fuckers have wanted to lock down its citizens for a very long time and they were planning on using a 'pandemic' as their excuses to destroy our freedoms....This planned 'pandemic' actually did fizzle out from the very start, and thus the criminals have been relying on the power and brainwashing skills of the Jewish controlled media to pound it into the minds of the most gullible people out there that there is this 'health crisis' and a 'deadly virus' out there in the world, when the reality is so much different... Therefore it can be claimed that this scam-demic is fully MEDIA DRIVEN....Yes, we can indeed still win this war, and honestly we have to.... Everyone must do their own part in trying to reach others around them with the truth about this entire scam and to show the EVIDENCE that proves that we are all being played... And time is very short, for these criminal pricks behind the entire scam are proceeding headlong into pushing their deadly vaccines into all of us sometime this Autumn!More to comeNTS