The COVID-19 Bullshit: NO Official Manitoba COVID-19 Report Full Of Lies Today, So Once Again Time To Review The Entire Fraud - Updated!

Yes, this 'deadly virus' has once again taken the long weekend off up here in central Canada (yes what a polite and concerning virus indeed!) and thus I am left looking at what these scumbags have done to all of us over the last while with their ever changing stories about this 'virus' that seems to never really kill anyone!Over the last while, the push for 'mandatory' FACE DIAPER wearing by every one out there has reached a near fever pitch, with the scumbags in the Jewish controlled media filling every media outlet as much as they can with reports that 'everyone' should wear FACE DIAPERS to prevent the spread of this 'disease'... But of course these lying sacks of shit do not tell the real truths about how those face coverings are absolutely useless and do NOT prevent or stop the spread of ANY germs at all, let alone viruses..... They also fail to inform the public that they cut off vital Oxygen levels to our bodies and actually hinder and weaken our own immune systems....I therefore have come to the conclusion that these face coverings are being demanded of us to be worn everywhere as not only a sign of enslavement, but also to actually WEAKEN and DESTROY our own immune systems, so that when they launch their 'second wave' (or is it their third wave? I have lost count..) very soon at the same time that REAL Influenza season is on us, that wearers will indeed have their immune systems destroyed to the point than ANY respiratory disease will hit them hard and very possibly cause REAL deaths.... It is to me just too bad that most people out there cannot see this as reality and simply "OBEY" their masters' commands and put on FACE DIAPERS without any thought at all.... I honestly do believe that if the criminals in charge told everyone to line up and jump off a cliff to prevent "COVID-19" there would be retards out there that would do as commanded!I have been tracking the "new" deaths that the criminals here in Manitoba have been adding to their 'numbers' of those that they claim have died from this 'COVID-19' bullshit "virus" and I knew that these monsters would do as other regions around the world have been doing for months, that is in classifying anyone who is extremely elderly and thus has a frail and weakened immune system, and when they have recently died to chalk them up as yet another 'death by COVID-19'... That has now become the standard for these bastards here in Manitoba, and yes it is absolutely immoral.... Thus when I look at this province's 'numbers' and their '16 deaths' in now well over 24 weeks time since they began to destroy this province's economy and the very livelihood of its citizens, I continue to raise red flags and show true pessimism as to exactly how they derive their entire 'death count'.... Claiming '16' deaths when some 15 out of 16 were extremely elderly and definitely had weakened immune systems already and/or have been suffering from other serious illnesses and chalking up their deaths as 'death by COVID-19' is beyond pathetic..  What we have here is the evidence that is right in everyone's faces that NOBODY DIES FROM THIS COVID-19 AT ALL!But these fuckers can never admit to anyone that people may somehow catch this 'virus' and test "positive", but that is as far as it goes, for most younger and healthy people will simply get the 'symptoms' of this 'disease' such as a fever, sniffles, and even coughing.. But almost ALL, unless they have other 'underlying issues' will simply fight off that 'infection' naturally and fully recover..... Does this actually sound like a ' deadly virus' then? Or are we dealing with nothing more than another form of Influenza or the common cold?  I more and more have been leaning heavily on the latter...And yes, even up here in Manitoba, they are claiming new 'cases' thanks to that horrendous and absolutely inaccurate 'PCR testing' but not telling the real story that almost ALL of those who do 'test positive' in spite of the fraud testing, simply get some symptoms, fight it off, and fully recover... Thus we have a 'deadly virus' out there that is NOT deadly at all and NOT killing anyone.... So why all the fear mongering?  That has been the job all along of the Jewish controlled media outlets to drive the fear factor into everyone, and if it was not for their evil and immoral intentions, I would honestly say they have done a splendid job of scaring people half to death extremely well....I also continue to be alarmed at how the fuckers in the Jewish controlled media are manipulating and massaging the simple minds of the most gullible out there with their increasing calls for everyone to 'accept' the 'vaccines' that these monsters are nearly ready to unleash on all of us, as a means to return to 'normal'... But this is also such a load of hogwash, for taking lethal injections into your body that will fuck up your immune system and very much change your DNA in the process is in no way a means to return to 'normal' at all... The only way to return to any 'normal' is to have this entire fraud exposed and have everyone take off their face diapers, stop the fucking social distancing bullshit, and have every fucking criminal in our governments arrested and put on trial for attempting to destroy our lives... THAT is in fact the ONLY way that we will ever return to 'normal'!The truly sad thing that I have been observing more and more, and it comes as a result of the propaganda by the liars in the Jewish controlled media outlets of course, is watching complete morons and retards line up like the dumb fucking sheep they truly are to get themselves 'tested' for this 'virus' that still to this day has never been isolated and even proven to even exist at all... When I pass by these fraud 'testing centres' and watch the stupidity of humanity at work, I sometimes do feel that I have to cry for my fellow man... This clearly shows the hopelessness at times in his fight as most people out there will not even bother to stand back and take the time to research for themselves about this entire scam-demic, before lining up to accept the lies that our crooked governments are doing to their minds.....  And as I said over the last week, the numbers of those who are lining up is actually increasing at a steady rate!  There is so much more that I could put up here in this analysis... But it is the long weekend and I have  some chores, housework, a few projects, and of course some major cooking to do..... I am indeed trying to enjoy this 'long weekend' in spite of the continuing scam-demic, and I would have hoped that now, some 6 months into this 'state of emergency ' here in Manitoba that we would be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in terms of this entire fraud.. But that light may indeed be a freight train going in the other direction as the criminals have a few more lies and fear factors to throw at all of us... Therefore this scam is indeed far from over.....And in closing, I again do want everyone to always remember those sad individuals that have weak minds, suffer from intense depression, and other mental illnesses, that have caused them to actually believe this scam-demic so badly to the point that many have taken their lives through the insanity of suicide....   Those deaths are the real cost of this scam-demic, and the burden of those deaths does indeed fall on our criminal governments everywhere for allowing them to happen.... I have said that the provincial government here in Manitoba must be held accountable for those deaths here in this province, but the same can be said for other jurisdictions around the planet... I do hope that everyone does indeed make sure that ALL of those government leaders everywhere in all of our nations are indeed made to pay dearly for these deaths via suicides, and we must have swift justice meted out to all of them... I do hope there are enough lamp posts, and trees, everywhere, for hanging all of these criminal pricks is too good for them IMHO...More to comeNTS*Update, September 5th 2020:  Apparently the pricks in charge here in Manitoba did 'file' an 'official report' after all, which is surprising as they DID say that there would be no 'reports' until Tuesday after Labor Day!   Lying sacks of shit indeed...