In-Depth Interview: Dr. JJ Walcutt Talks About Her Campaign for President

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Meet Dr. JJ Walcutt, who spent a year running for president, visited all 50 states, and wrote Who the Fuck Wants To Be President?Walcutt is a psychologist and scientist who worked at the Pentagon during the Obama and Trump administrations. She bought an RV and visited all 50 states  before dropping out--because independents can't get on the ballot in many states.
In this conversation, she responds to my questions on key issues, from restoring our 4th Amendment privacy rights to NATO to the FISA Court and Medicare for All.  She is bright and well-informed, and her experience in government led her to speak out--and listen to average Americans.
Joe Carson, our loyal listener in Knoxville, TN, suggested this interview with Walcutt.  Find out more about her here.
