The COVID-19 Hysteria: Fabulous Video By Jon Rappoport - The Bloodless Coup, The Fake Epidemic

I continue to shake my head at the sheer gullibility and stupidity of the people, or as I call them "sheep", out there that continue to believe the lies put out by the Jew spew media and our own crooked governments that this "COVID-19 pandemic" is real and that we must all now shut down our very lives and turn into isolated guinea pigs!I have put out so many articles over the last few weeks showing the clear evidence that this is indeed a FAKE 'pandemic' and that it is being thrown out at this time to cover for their long planned "correction" to the world wide economies, and to have everyone in such a state of panic that they will accept anything that the criminals in charge throw their way including MANDATORY vaccination programs that will turn people into mindless automatons.....In my efforts to get the real truths out there to everyone, I have presented several key articles that have been made by Jon Rappoport, through his website at But earlier today, someone sent me a link to a video that Jon had actually made nearly a week ago via Youtube, and it is a must see by everyone for it covers all of the key issues to this entire "COVID-19 pandemic".... This video is entitled: "Jon Rappoport The Bloodless Coup The Fake Epidemic" and is absolutely a must see by everyone... I have it right here, and I have further thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: Here is the direct link to the Youtube video just in case they take down the direct feed above: What can I say?  Jon puts all the pieces to this fake pandemic very nicely and shows in this video, in great detail, how the entire scam came about....I have already covered so many of the key issues that Jon presents here in many previous articles at this blog..... I can only be the messenger here, and am absolutely imploring readers and views to take notice and to do their own research and to come to their own conclusions as to what we are dealing with exactly in this fake pandemic....As I have said many times as well.. Take this information, and especially this and other key videos (Including Amazing Polly's from my last article..) and show everyone the TRUTH as to what we are up against... People need to get out of their funk and STOP panicking or we indeed will have our very rights and freedoms stripped from us all very shortly..More to comeNTS*Update March 27th, 2020:  Apparently the assholes and fuckers over at JewTube do not want the mutton heads out there to learn the truth about this "pandemic" and have now "removed" this video for their ignorant clause of 'violating JewTube's ethics".... What a bunch of horse shit indeed and shows that the Jewish pricks that run JewTube do not even want the sheep to know the truth about this PLANdemic...I am looking for another copy of this video, and I doubt if Brighteon has it, for even Mike Adams has swallowed the Kool-aid and is going all out in calling it legitimate.And apparently, Youtube is now disallowing even me to show their 'videos' directly... I can only present links and cannot share the videos at this blog!  Bastards and liars they all are....