Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 1st, 2020

Sunday.... A brand new month, and here comes my weekend rant..I want to lay it out with my thoughts here in regards to the ever increasing "fear" of a world wide pandemic in regards to the COVID-19 virus.....  I will NOT succumb to the fear mongering or the mass hysteria that has gripped so many people thanks primarily to the overblown numbers of "deaths" that those outlets have been reporting... Yes, there are some people around the world dying as a result of this virus, but in the majority of cases those deaths are associated with the victim's own weakened immune systems, other diseases already in play, or their advanced age.... And of course the majority of those suffering from this illness are indeed either Chinese or Asian, as one of the initial man made strains of this virus showed all indications of being 'race specific'...... And YES the virus is spreading around the world at present and many governments are now working towards mass quarantine of those who may or may not have the disease.... But this outbreak is strangely reminiscent of the Swine Flu H1N1 "pandemic" of nearly a decade ago, and we saw after so much hoopla and overblown reports coming from both the Jew spew media and those in the alternative media that have swallowed the 'fear factor', that 'outbreak' fizzled and quietly went away....Look, I am not going to claim that this is "all a hoax" as so many have stated in the alternative media...The virus is very much real and again when it hits those who have a weakened immune system, it is very deadly.... But the facts are that we are NOT getting the real facts about this disease at all... There have been so many wild reports out there claiming different aspects of this disease and claiming that from as low as zero to millions have already "contracted" the virus....  The facts are that the fear mongering has gone dangerously out of control with so many people running around like chicken little screaming that the "world is coming to an end", in which case I look upon these clowns as assholes and idiots that do NOT even know what in the hell they are talking about.... I will again not succumb to this type of rhetoric, and will instead continue to present facts, figures, and details as to how this disease came about, who is susceptible to getting it, and how it is spread.....  People deserve the real truths...Now, in saying all that, of course I have some anxiety about this disease as everyone else should... Granted, where I live in central Canada there have still been ZERO cases of this man made virus in this region, and honestly I cannot see that number grow by leaps and bounds any time soon.... The majority of the cases here in Canada that have come down with this COVID-19 virus are concentrated in eastern Canada around the Toronto area and of course the west coast around Vancouver..... And I am not saying that people should be "prepared" for if and when this virus actually hits them, for that would be ludicrous.... People do need to keep some extra food supplies on hand just in case they or members of their families do contract this disease as the present incubation period varies from 7-14 days dependent on the source you are reading.... That means that you could be shut in to your home for that period and therefore would be dependent on the food on hand within your home....  Knowledge and being prepared should be the case for everyone and not to allow yourselves to panic...Now, there is still the aspect of the "vaccine" that the criminals in charge are claiming they are producing to "fight" this virus.... Since this is indeed a man made disease that may have been weaponized in that laboratory in Wuhan China, it is quite a resilient bug with some interesting factors built into its make up, including the usage of HIV-1 in its inserts.... The facts are that who ever decided to release this virus into the public did their research well and knows that its make up makes it hardier and harder to defeat using its victim's own antibodies.... Being a "coronavirus" does not help as Coronaviruses are the type that constantly mutate... The facts alone that this virus does mutate defeats any chances of a 'vaccine' able to defeat it due to the fact that any "vaccine" used on victims will only work on one particular strain of the virus..... Therefore and logically the idea of "mass vaccination" will not cure the majority of its victims from this disease, but will leave the criminals open to the idea of using said "vaccines" to weaken and destroy peoples' immune systems....   I therefore will state it hear clearly that if anyone falls for the "vaccine" idea to beat this disease, then they seriously need to have their heads examined, or they are too stupid for their own good...And one last thing about this COVID-19 outbreak.... The linkage between this outbreak and the usage of "5G" technology is a moot point, as the initial outbreak in Wuhan China could indeed have been magnified by that city also being the hotspot in China for the introduction of "5G"... BUT the virus has now spread around the world and into areas that do NOT yet have the sinister '5G" introduced.... Yes, since "5G" does indeed weaken the body's immune system, areas around the world that have that technology in place will indeed be more susceptible to viruses such as COVID-19 taking hold and killing people, which is fact... However, to state that "5G" and COVID-19 are directly interlinked is absolutely wrong....Well, I am indeed puzzled and perplexed by what I see happening in Syria right now... My fellow Canadian, Penny, who writes "Penny For Your Thoughts" did bring forward some valid arguments that the Russians and Syrians are "cooperating" in regards to the situation in Idlib, but with the Turkish military in direct clashes with Syrian government forces (SAA) and Turkish forces now on the offensive along with their US/Israeli/Turkish "terrorist" forces in that province, the idea of cooperation is quickly fading away.... As of right now, the Russians are scrambling to try to work with the Turks to keep within the Astana and other agreements and de-escalate the situation...But  their work is failing as their own ally, Syria, is bearing the brunt of the Turkish attacks..... Something must be done and soon or the situation could quickly escalate into a full blown war between Turkey and Syria...And I know that the Russians and Turks had "agreed" to have Turkish forces come into Idlib and use their "observation posts" to control and monitor the situation there... But the facts are that Idlib is still Syrian territory and that means any movement by Turkey outside of their agreed upon observation posts is nothing more than an INVASION of the sovereign nation of Syria.... The SAA therefore has every right under international law to fight against such invasion and therefore the reports about the SAA attacking and killing Turkish forces is perfectly valid and within Syria's right as those forces are indeed operating in Syrian territory..... Turkey on the other hand looks upon the SAA actions as anact of war and they have retaliated by sending in even more forces and have now launched offensive operations in southern Idlib and east of the terrorist recaptured centre of Saraqib......  And the Turkish government has indeed been demanding Russia to "get out of the way" now so that they can attack the SAA directly!.......Again, this situation is quickly getting out of control indeed...And what have the criminals in the US government been doing in regards to this increasingly dangerous situation in Idlib?  They have now demanded that the Russians GROUND all offensive war planes in Syria immediately and have called the "Astana" agreements between Russia and Turkey broken beyond repair now.... But this makes sense, as the American government is still hell bent on protecting their "terrorists" still operating in Idlib and would indeed love to have any excuse possible to have the entire situation blamed on both Russia and Syria so as to have their excuse to "Intervene"...... Such intervention is absolutely the most dangerous thing imaginable, as it could lead to the Russians and the Americans shooting at each other which could quickly escalate into a full blown war between the US and the Russian Federation over Syria.....  The sad part here is that is exactly what the US government wants, for they are still hell bent on seeing the destruction of Syria as a nation as part of their subservience to the psycho state of Israel that also wants Syria destroyed!Meanwhile, nobody is talking about the present "economic meltdown" that is presently causing the world wide economic situation to fall into a tail spin... Many have indeed been blaming this "meltdown" on the COVID-19 situation, which is partially true.... The COVID-19 fears alone have caused havoc in the major world producer of consumer goods aka China and trade with China is indeed on a steep decline due to nations fearful of the virus.... But the facts are that this economic meltdown has long been predicted by many including myself and is actually LONG overdue... The markets do need a 'correction' and now with the COVID-19 scare so prevalent, the criminals in charge could indeed be using that fear mongering as their cover for that necessity....  The question is of course how far the markets will indeed plunge?  In my own estimations, the bottom is still a long way off and TRILLIONS of dollars in economic wealth will indeed be lost over the next while...I did find some heart warming news last week, where I found out that there is indeed some young lady out there that is challenging that heinous bitch Greta Thunberg and her ludicrous "Extinction Revolution" bullshit.... That person is of course Naomi Seibt, who is 19 years of age, well mannered, and getting a University education to boot!.... Naomi is out there right now, making the rounds and challenging the entire "Climate Change" hoax head on, giving real facts and figures and not falling for the bullshit hysteria that the world is about to come to an end.... .Honestly, we need a lot more people such as Naomi out there right now, for that criminal Greta and her evil cronies are still going place to place and continuing with their bullshit fear mongering...  What I would love to see is a direct 'debate' between Naomi and Greta about this entire 'Climate Change' scam, where both sides would present their facts and figures... Granted, I doubt if that will ever happen, for the idiots and morons behind the entire "Climate Change" hoax are banking on the ignorance of the general public and they would quickly crumble in any real debate due to their lack of real scientific knowledge....And of course I could not help but notice how my own country, Canada, is going to "hell in a hand basket" due to the sheer ignorance and stupidity of that criminal idiot savant, Justin Trudeau, and his inability to take appropriate action against the criminal 'demonstrators' that have attempted to hijack this entire nation with their idiot blockades of Canada's essential rail services.... The protests started nearly a month ago, and are in part in support of the "indigenous" tribes in the province of British Columbia that have been fighting against the building of essential petroleum pipelines across their territory that Canada so desperately needs in this time of an ailing economy... Those initial protests grew into a nation wide "protest" by other indigenous groups that have blocked freight rail services across the entire country for weeks now..... Essential goods shipments have been either shut down or severely crippled due to these protests which has severely damaged Canada's already ailing economy, and people in Canada have been demanding that idiot Justin Trudeau to actually be a Prime Minister and call in the police and even the military to clear those blockades..... As of today in fact, many of the blockades are actually still in place, while only a few have now been cleared up... But Justin Trudeau is still 'dithering' on actually arresting the idiots doing the blockades claiming that he wants to seek some "reconciliation" and "understanding" first... IMHO, fuck that bullshit, and have those criminals running these blockades arrested and thrown into jail immediately.  Canada needs its transportation systems restored and NOW!Well, I guess I have spewed enough about the main issues of the last week..... I have a lot of work to do, and I am indeed wanting to take a much needed 'vacation' soon.... In the meantime, here comes my last minute tidbits to close this rant........China is supposedly 'back to work' starting tomorrow, March 2nd after their annual "Chinese new year" celebrations, and we will indeed find out soon enough how badly the COVID-19 has damaged that nation and its economy within the next few days.........The Houthi forces in Yemen have launched some major offensive operations over the last week against the criminal Saudi forces still occupying parts of their nation, and apparently the Saudi forces are in retreat.  The facts are clear now that Saudi Arabia can no longer "win" this war and absolutely must figure out how to get out of the mess that they themselves created.  We may find out soon enough... Apparently the criminal US government has indeed signed a 'treaty' with the Taliban in Afghanistan and are going to use that  "peace treaty" as their means of withdrawing from that nation in which they have LOST the war.   But I can guarantee that some US forces will be staying, as the Afghan poppy fields do need to keep producing their Opiates that are killing so many around the world!........Israel has once again had some of their agents in the Gaza strip fire some bottle rockets back into Israel, and is using this fraud 'rocket attack' as their excuse to once again plaster Gaza, killing more innocent civilians.  And it gets even worse now, as Israel is threatening an "all out war" against Gaza due to these 'rocket attacks'!  The facts are that these sicko Jewish freaks want Gaza destroyed and every single Palestinian holed up in that hell hole murdered..........And speaking of sicko Jewish freaks, apparently the adopted daughter of that heinous Steven Spielberg has hit the news these last few weeks stating that she is wanting to put out porn videos where she stars in.  Yes, I guess living and being warped by a Jewish criminal can indeed turn one's life to pornography!........Not much happening in the circus called the US "election" campaign, as Commie Bernie Sanders is still in a fight against every other Communist Democrat that wants him to not be the man to face Drumpf come this November.  But honestly, who cares, for the Jewish power elite in the US have already selected which kiss ass will be the next US President and the American people themselves will have NO say in that choice at all!.......And speaking of the American political circus, will someone please explain to me WHY that heinous Hillary "Killary" Clinton is still out there and NOT in a cold jail cell for the long list of crimes she and the Clinton crime family have committed for decades?  I shudder to think that this bitch could be the next Vice President of the United States......There is little news coming out of Libya these days about the still ongoing civil war there.  Apparently the war has now bogged down as the opposing forces are still slugging it out for control of the nation's Capital of Tripoli.   I honestly do feel sorry for the Libyan people though, who have had their lives turned into a living hell thanks to the US/NATO want to see that nation both destroyed and returned to criminal Rothschild central banking bullshit control since they murdered Muhammar Gadaffi almost a decade ago.......Has anyone noticed that there was a "mass shooting" last week at the Molson-Coors brewery in Milwaukee Wisconsin?  Yes, we do not hear about this one, for this is both a legitimate shooting and the shooter himself was NOT a "crazed white guy" but was actually black.  Therefore the Jew spew media has avoided this one like the plague, for they would have had this one page one news and on for days if the shooter was white!.......Last month was "black history" month, and again, I must have missed the memo, for I did not celebrate at all.  I am in fact waiting for 'white history' month instead, and gosh darn it I have not seen any reports about when that one is being celebrated at all!  OK, so when is White History month then??.........Pope Francis has tested positive for "Coronavirus"?  I do wonder if that has anything to do with that patron that went out of her way about a month ago to grab his hand while he was walking and waving to well wishers?  Hmmmm.... I see that actor Clint Eastwood has come out and thrown his support behind that ultra sinister Jew  Michael Bloomberg for the next US President.  I honestly used to like Clint Eastwood and his movies, but has the man suddenly gone senile?....... Yes, I watched Star Trek Picard episode 6 the other day, and after my brain melted and I wanted to tear my eyeballs out, I can honestly say that it is as bad as that horrendous Star Trek Discovery bullshit series.   Too much bullshit political correctness, too much feminism, too much slamming of men.  But all so called television shows these days have the same propaganda and brainwashing as well!...........Arsenal's game against Manchester City is postponed this weekend.  The good news is league leading Liverpool lost yesterday to lowly Watford by the score of 3-0 meaning Liverpool will not challenge Arsenal's all time record of 49 games without a loss.  And it is about time Liverpool lost, even though their chances of losing the Premier League title this year is nearly zero.........And again, NO Kardashian bashing this week, as once again I want to take on the Harry and Meagan circus instead.  Apparently the Canadian government will no longer supply these two clowns with "security" and thus force them to pay for their own "security" instead.  It is about time, as these two are nothing but useless eaters and free loaders, and should be forced to pay for their own way in life like everyone else.  I still say that having them earn a real living would make sense, and there are plenty of service jobs available right here in Canada for both of them!More to comeNTS