Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 5th, 2020

Sunday... First Sunday in the new year, and time again for my weekend rant..OK, I have spent much of last week's blog posts at this site covering both the assassination of Iranian General Soleimani, as well as the aftermath of that horrendous act of cold blooded murder by the criminals in the US Government..... I had wanted to steer away from that subject for this rant, but more and more information has been coming my way and thus I do need to cover some key points about exactly what is happening in Iraq...First, just earlier today, the Iraqi Parliament in Baghdad passed a full resolution demanding that the US get the hell out of Iraq and immediately.... The people of Iraq do NOT want their American oppressors in their nation any more and the message is now clear that the US is to get out now or face the wrath of not only the so called 'Iranian militants' that the US continues to claim as operating in Iraq and causing "terrorism", but the people of Iraq themselves.... But will the US leave Iraq?  Hell no, and I will explain why....The US government is absolutely nothing more now than a poodle and a slave to sicko psychotic Jewish interests... The damn Jews that control and run America have demanded their American slaves to stay in Iraq and actually increase their present number of troops in preparation for a major conflict against Iran itself.... I have said it before and I will say it again; The sickness of that twisted state of Israel has only ONE major power in the entire Middle East that stands in their way of total hegemony over the entire region and that is of course the peaceful nation of Iran.... The Jews have long demanded therefore that their American slaves go to war and destroy Iran and they do not give a crap that such a war could see MILLIONS of innocent lives destroyed as well as thousands of US combat forces in the process... The sick and twisted Jews look upon everyone else as nothing more than cattle and they have no sympathy for any human lives that will be sacrificed for their sick state's expansion and perpetual hegemony over the Middle East.... US forces will be nothing more than cannon fodder for these bastards in the process!One factor that does come to mind with the US putting even more forces now into Iraq, and that is the fear of a new false flag attack that will absolutely be blamed directly on the peaceful nation of Iran so as to get the gullible American public to be brainwashed by the Jew controlled Jew spew media into believing the lie that "Iran did it" and thus have those gullible and stupid people throw their support into a new war against Iran itself.... And with some 10000 US forces now scattered across Iraq with more coming, those forces are indeed nothing more than sitting ducks for a false flag attack to take place.... Basically those US forces in Iraq are indeed the cannon fodder and sitting ducks for a false flag attack to take place, and both the US government and their masters in Israel do not give a crap about those forces being sacrificed for the glory of Israel!The most startling thing that I saw come about thanks to that "attack" at the K1 Kirkuk facility in northern Iraq and the subsequent murder of Iranian general Soleimani, was how the criminal US President Donald Drumpf has now turned into a war mongering psychopath that is frothing at the mouth for war against Iran.... And honestly, in a lot of ways I am not shocked at all by Drumpf's new 'attitude' for that prick has always been nothing more than a Jew controlled poodle that will do everything to please his Jewish masters.... Drumpf wants war and he is wanting to see so many innocent American lives sacrificed for his Jewish controllers..... I am again sickened by the fact that so many people out there actually fell for the trap back in 2016 of selecting this bastard as the "lesser of two evils" when the choice was between him and that heinous Hillary "Killary" Clinton.... America fell for it and now they will pay the price in a new war that could indeed destroy America itself if Iran  gets their allies in Russia and China involved....  Yes, America, how do you feel now in terms of this bastard and his "Making America Great Again" bullshit lie!There is still the question as to what Russia and China will do once America goes to war on Iran... I have been waiting for Vladimir Putin to at least come forward and support Iran, but all I have seen so far is the Russians asking for 'restraint', which to me is hogwash.... Putin has to come out and  state clearly his intentions before the US does "take action" and he should, along with China's leadership, put any thought of an American attack on Iran to bed by stating that both of their nations will honour their defence pact with Iran in the face of such an attack..... The Chinese and Russians therefore do have the means to deter an American attack and put that idea out of its misery now before the Americans are able to escalate the situation even further with one of their patented "false flag" attacks.... I for one am waiting for that to happen, as it should have already happened!There is also the troubling reports that have been coming forward claiming that now that Iran is about to go to war against the US on US lies and falsehoods, that now is the time for Iran to go "nuclear" and build at least a few nuclear bombs as a "deterrent" against US/Israeli aggression.... My answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT.... Iran knows the score in terms of how the US and the sickness of Israel would surely love to have the world see Iran with a few nuclear weapons, for that would give them further fuel for the fire in terms of getting the world into the false belief that Iran must be destroyed...  Iran has always known that if they ever even built one nuclear bomb, it would be tantamount to committing suicide, for the US/Israel would have probably already launched strikes to take out their nuclear facilities to eliminate that "threat".. And subsequently, the sickos in Israel would have launched at least a few dozen of their own nukes against Iran to "prevent" Iran from using their nukes to destroy Israel.....  Therefore,  and logically, Iran knows what is at stake, and they are NOT building any nuclear weapons, period....One other factor about this entire sick episode in Iraq is the fact that there is still nearly ZERO evidence that has come forward that there even was a "rocket attack" on that K1 base in northern Iraq from last weekend..... All we have so far is a bunch of vague and misleading reports about "one contractor" killed and a few "US forces" wounded..... But there is still nothing substantial and concrete to even prove that the attack and the resulting injuries actually even occurred!.... For that reason, I smell a rat and am now leaning on the idea that the initial "attack" was indeed a false flag operation where NOBODY was either killed or wounded.... It may be that the entire Kirkuk K1 incident was a staged event just to cause the subsequent chaos that we see happening in Iraq right now... And we all know who are the masters of such sickness, for they have the motto of "By Deception, Thou Shalt Have War"!OK, enough of the Iraqi madness for the moment.... In nearby Syria, things continue to look bleak for the US run "terrorists" in the Idlib pocket in northwestern Syria, as their attempts to turn the tide in southern Idlib against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) offensive has turned into a disaster with very heavy losses...Subsequently, the SAA has once again re-launched their offensive against the pocket in the south, while further north and just outside of the key city of Aleppo they have been amassing an enormous strike force that may within days start a new offensive against the northern part of the pocket.... Basically the SAA and the Syrian government have had enough of Idlib being a thorn in their side and they are gunning now to have the pocket shattered and restored to Syrian government control within the next few weeks..... It therefore does make one wonder if the American caused trouble happening in Iraq at the same time as this defeat at Idlib is part of the US plans to come back full bore into the Middle East and possibly directly intervene into Syria as they are also wanting their war to be launched against Iran?  In last week's rant, I touched on the now changing situation in Libya as Turkey is wanting to come in with full force to prop up and support the failing GNA (Government of National Accord) government forces to prevent their collapse against the LNA (Libyan National Army) forces that are right now fighting in the streets and outskirts of the capital city of Tripoli in an attempt to seize the capital and overthrow the government.....Penny over at Penny For Your Thoughts presented me with some interesting facts on the puzzling situation in Libya, including the fact that it is ISRAEL and some of their criminal minions that are supporting the LNA forces to overthrow the Libyan GNA UN "sanctioned" regime.... But again the entire situation is a mess as proxies from so many nations and especially from Russia, the US/Israel, and even NATO are continuing to fight each other and turn Libya into an even bigger mess than what it already is.....  Yes, I said before that Libya is a good example of what happens to any nation that stands in defiance of the criminal Jewish run elite in charge of the world, and how that elite does indeed turn nations into hell holes for their standing up against their criminal control!I was asked my opinion about an "incident" that happened last week as the so called "Pope" was walking by a crowd of onlookers and supporters, when suddenly a Japanese woman supposedly reached out and grabbed the Pope's arm.... The reaction and the facial look on this "Pope" says it all, as he reached out and pushed the woman's arm away with a look of anger in his eyes..... I have had many claim that this "Pope" is NOT a man of the people as many have claimed, and I will say that I agree with that aspect.... The Vatican has been controlled by Jewish interests now for centuries, and I for one am disgusted by that factor alone.... Many people have claimed that this "Pope" is in reality the "Anti-Pope" that will see the downfall and ultimate destruction of Christianity, and even though I am not a religious man, I do believe that to be the goal of the Jewish elite that would dearly love to see Christianity meet its demise.....Christianity may have been hijacked, but its aspects of giving people some sense of hope for a better world, and teaching the differences between good and evil are still concepts that everyone should adhere to and are aspects that the Jewish criminals do despise.... I therefore do hope that those people that still have some decent "religious" convictions will take a stand and stop the Jewish criminals from attaining this goal in destroying Christianity in its tracks...I have had a few people come out and claim that I had "given up" on my claims that the manned missions to the moon under "Project Apollo" were all a fraud.... Honestly, I wonder how people could even say such a thing?  I have stopped putting up new articles for the last while about that part of our history for the simple fact that there have NOT been a lot of decent articles available to show that to be a fraud available over the last while.....And lets face it, for now after 50 years of NASA bullshit, and the fact that all of their claims about "returning to the moon" soon  have all turned into bullshit, I had hoped that more people would have used common sense by now and realized that it has always been an elaborate hoax.... Mankind and the liars over at NASA and other space agencies still have not figured out how to make the trip into interstellar space survivable for humans due to the intense radiation dangers, and I doubt if they will find any solution to that problem in the foreseeable future.... Therefore what they did back in the 1960's-1970's with their "lunar landings" were all a hoax and nothing but pure propaganda bullshit...And, someone alerted me to the fact that January is supposed to be Jewish "Holocaust remembrance" month (I must have missed the memo...) and that across the world that remembrance will take place with ceremonies building up to what is supposed to be "Holocaust" memorial day of January 20th.... I  absolutely will not be bothered with any "remembrance" of that supposed "event" of our so called "history" for I am awaiting any real EVIDENCE that part of our history actually took place!  And lets face facts here, for if these criminals actually do want to have people "remember" then why not let real investigations and research actually take place EVERYWHERE to prove once and for all that it is not a lie..... But again, we have so many nations and so many governments brainwashed into supporting that "history" while at the same time passing laws to prevent real research and real investigation into its validity!  I for one live in Canada, and if I was to even try to file reports showing what I have found about that "historical event", then I would find myself in jail on the ridiculous charges of "holocaust denial"...... And about that "denial" term; how can it be even classified as "denial" when there is no evidence to even justify or prove its validity?   The term "holocaust denial" is therefore a massive hoax in itself and a play on words, and has been used by the Jewish criminals so masterfully (just like "antisemitism") to go after anyone that just wants to validate and show real history!  The facts remain that if we do not have truth, then we have lies, and the fact that "truth never needs laws to support itself, only lies do!".....  The bottom line on this is simple; I will "pass" on any Holocaust remembrance for this month....Well, that is enough for the moment..... And again, so much of major other news has been masked and avoided over the last week in everyones' minds thanks to what is becoming more dangerous by the day in Iraq... I will of course try to cover some of them right here in my usual last minute tidbits....A new year, 2020, and the telecommunications giants right across North America are absolutely rolling out their "5G" dangerous technology and have put out some "commercials" over the Talmudvisions everywhere to sell the gullible people on this deadly garbage.   Yes, "5G" is now a reality and will be in place almost everywhere over the next few years, and people will now be coming down with strange and unusual "diseases" as a side effect.  Greed is the rule of the day as the Telecom industry cares only about profits, and does not give a damn about "5G" side effects!.........The Fukushima nuclear disaster is STILL going as strong as ever, but there is new news that the Japanese government is now going to build massive solar cell collector "farms" on land that was abandoned near the Fukushima Daichi plant to turn the entire region into a "renewable energy hub".   This is indeed a positive step considering that humans will not be able to live on that land for centuries thanks to high radiation, but it clouds the fact that they still have not come up with any solution yet to actually stop the still ongoing disaster, that began in March 2011, to this day and not in the foreseeable future!.........I noticed the ever increasing "commercials" on the Talmudvision over the last few weeks all covering the upcoming Olympic Summer Games in Tokyo starting on July 24th of this year.  But of course those commercials do not contain the real message to anyone attending those games, which is to pack some radiation gear and a geiger counter to boot!  Tokyo will indeed be forever labeled as the "Radiation Games" thanks to nearby Fukushima....Another year, and the conflict in Yemen continues basically unabated.  I have been seeing some recent reports that the battle between the Houthis and the Saudi criminal forces has now reached a full stalemate.  There has been talk that the Saudis and Houthis may actually reach a truce, but with the Saudis still targeting civilians for destruction and starvation, any truce could see the Saudis pay dearly for their crimes against humanity.  Will the war actually come to an end this year? We can only hope so, especially for the sake of the millions that are still on the brink of famine in Yemen........Saw a report that some of the criminals at "Big Pharma" have been working at producing an "all in one" vaccine that they claim will be used to inoculate suckers with one shot to "protect' them from a wide range of diseases. I see this as a sinister and diabolical means of getting all of their poisons injected into our bodies all at once to destroy our bodies and numb our minds.  As I have said before, vaccines do NOT work, and you should all avoid them at all cost........I see the French are still protesting, especially against Macron's want to "change the rules" on pensions and bring in bullshit "pension reforms".   But the real problem for the French is Macron himself.  If The French actually do want change then they should have Macron and all his cronies OUT of the French Parliament.  Keeping that criminal in power makes their protests absolutely useless and with no chance of ever succeeding in saving France......Of course that "impeachment" process in America is now on the 'back burner" and almost forgotten now in light of the upheaval happening in Iraq.  It only proves my point that this entire "process" was nothing but an insult to the American public and nothing more than political circus bullshit.  And I can guarantee the Jewish elite that run America are right now laughing at how stupid and gullible the American public could be as they were the ones that created and ran the entire circus!.... I saw some reports that the "Stars Wars" newest "movie" has turned into an unmitigated disaster that will cost Jew run Disney a small fortune in losses.  But I saw that coming, as from what people have told me the entire sick "movie" is filled with political correctness bullshit.   Decades ago, Jewlywood would actually put out some pretty good "movies" from time to time, but the garbage they have out now is vomiting to endure!  Will I go and see this "movie" for myself?  Hell no..........Saw an interesting video and article last week that discussed how modern women are destroying themselves and are absolutely fucked up thanks to political correctness bullshit and 'feminism".   Lets face facts here, for the Jewish criminals absolutely want to destroy our societies and our very family values, and have been the ones behind destroying and brainwashing our own women into defying their natural biological instincts for having children.......I see the singer "Meatloaf" came out lately and stated that the sickening Greta Thunberg is nothing but a brainwashed fool for her pushing the fraud of "Climate Change".   I tend to agree with "Meatloaf", aka Marvin Lee Aday, but the facts are since that little witch and her family supposedly have made out like bandits to the tune of some $150 Million for pushing the climate change fraud, I would say they know exactly what they are doing!......No games this weekend in EPL soccer, as my team, Arsenal, is still mired in the middle of the table with no hopes of even getting close to a Champions League berth.  I have to finally admit that the team is a mess and will have to do some serious changes just to prepare for next year!........With all of the news so focused in on the crisis in Iraq, there has been nearly zero news coming from the Kardashian skank-ville camp this last week.  Maybe the Iraqi situation is a blessing in disguise, for it hopefully has Americans focused in on what really matters, rather than the bullshit spewing from those trollops and skanks.   But it is a new year, and something 'earth shattering' may be coming soon from those misfits to once again melt peoples' minds....And finally: Lets get the message out clear, everyone, to our own governments in regards to the horrific situation in Iraq and the push for a major conflict against the innocent nation of Iran: NO WAR FOR ISRAEL!More to comeNTS