The Guardian admits spreading fake news about Russia smuggling Assange out of Ecuador Embassy (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss The Narvaez decision via The Scott Trust, which exposes the UK’s Guardian pushing fake news claiming Julian Assange was going to be smuggled out of the Ecuador Embassy by Russian diplomats
The Scott Trust decision exposing The Guardian’s propaganda:

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Via The Guardian…
Corrections and clarifications – Julian Assange
Last year, the Guardian reported on a plan to transfer Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in London to Ecuador’s embassy in Moscow by making Assange a member of the Ecuadorian embassy staff, first in London and then in Russia. Giving Assange diplomatic status would have allowed him to leave the Ecuadorian embassy, where he was a fugitive from UK justice. Assange, Ecuador and Russia were all parties to the plan, which was abandoned after the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office refused to recognise Assange as a member of the embassy staff. Our report should have avoided the words “smuggle” and “plot” since they implied that diplomatic immunity in itself was illicit. The Guardian’s Review Panel has issued a ruling on this article, available online at (Revealed: Russia’s Christmas Eve plot to smuggle Assange out of UK, 22 September 2018, page 3).
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