Canada, Get Ready To Puke: Criminal Former Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, Has Been Nominated To Have A Street In Israel Named After Him!

Canada is Jewish occupied territory.... Most Canadians are still asleep and not realizing that this formerly free nation is NOT their own and is indeed controlled by criminal Jewish interests... It is a fact that every government in Ottawa for at least the last 1/2 century have done nothing more than troll for Jewish interests and do everything to suck up to the psychotic state of Israel...Before that sickening Justin Trudeau was "selected" to be Canada's Prime Minister, we had the heinous and very criminal Stephen Harper in charge... Harper was a Jew controlled tool from the moment he was "elected" as Canada's Prime Minister back in February, 2006, right up until his Conservative Party lost the Federal election of October 2015 that saw the equally if not even more sickening Justin Trudeau take over.... And during his time as Prime Minister, he did EVERYTHING the Jewish power elite that controls Canada wanted..... He was considered at the time to be one of the psychotic state of Israel's "greatest friends" which was absolutely revolting!Stephen Harper may have been out as Canada's Prime Minister for over 4 years now, but his "legacy" and his butt kissing of the criminal Jewish elite continues to this day.... In fact, according to the following article, from the "Israel Hayom" website, at, apparently the freaks in Israel have actually "nominated" this evil piece of crap to have a street in Jerusalem named after him!  Here in fact is the link to that most revolting report right here, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: Yes, as a Canadian and someone that knows the real truths about that revolting Jew butt kisser, I wanted to puke after reading this article..I said many times in the past that Harper was a criminal that cared ONLY about his Jewish masters and the criminal state of Israel, even well above his own nation of Canada... He and his lackeys, if they loved Israel so much, should have all resigned from Parliament, surrendered their passports and their Canadian citizenship, and boarded the first aircraft to fly over to that glorious POS state... Canada always needed and still needs leadership that cares about Canadians only, period!Well, there you go, my fellow Canadians..... Stephen Harper nominated to have a street named for him in Jerusalem... I honestly hope that street is either full of potholes, or is a dead end street to nowhere!More to comeNTS