PBC News & Comment: New Round of Impeachment Hearings Begins

In Judiciary hearing, Dems focus on 3 law professors who support impeachment, but GOP pick Jonathan Turley shouldn’t be ignored…--Turley is not a Trump supporter, but argues that this approach to impeachment is too narrow, and too fast
--Rudy Giuliani is jetting around Europe shooting TV interviews with pro-Trump One America News
--at NATO conference reception, world leaders mocked Trump in moment caught on video
--this time, Trump defended NATO from attacks by Macron and other leaders
--Mr. No Malarkey, Joe Biden, unveils tax plan that’s very moderate
--the cranky moderate reporters at Calbuzz comment on the withdrawal of Sen. Kamala Harris from prez primary: “an empty pantsuit…with positions, not convictions”
--Julian Castro slams media for double standard on Harris
--GOP candidate for Congress in Florida says Rep. Ilhan Omar committed treason, and should be hung
--in northern Mexico, a battle between heavily armed cartel fighters and state police leaves 23 dead
--Iran admits that protesters were shot and killed by security forces, but won’t give numbers
--in Ohio, bill to ban most abortions has irrational, unconstitutional provisions
--in the War on Christmas, Trump administration will deny food stamps to 750,000