Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 17th, 2019

Sunday.... And time once again for my weekend rant...I again decided to take yesterday off from blogging, to spend time with family, and especially to attend a party last night.... It was so nice to see a lot of people that I had not seen in months, and to try to stay away from discussing things like politics just to avoid any arguments..... I figured that I would have some fun and concentrate on what is going on in the real world for this rant instead....Well, we are having a bit of a small "reprieve" from the intense cold weather that has been hitting these parts of central Canada for the last two months... The temperatures outside have actually risen to a "near normal" condition for a few days, but fear not for the plunge back to unseasonably cold conditions is coming up once again later this coming week......  I still am waiting for anyone in the "climate crisis" hoax camp to come out and explain to us all how this intense cold somehow fits into their "Global Warming" aka "climate change" model without being laughed at tremendously for their stupidity!One factor that cannot be overlooked with all of this intense cold weather is the fact that normal agricultural output from farms around these parts has been drastically reduced, and in some cases farms have been unable to get their product out of the ground at all before the cold swept in and destroyed their crops.... This is a tragedy in my honest opinion, and has not only happened across central Canada but right across the main grain belt in the continental United States as well...  With reduced crop outputs, there will be less food products to go around and we will not only see a massive rise in the price of farm goods, but many of our shelves in local food stores could become empty as well..... Sadly,  our governments are overlooking this impending disaster in the making, as they continue to promote their fraud "carbon tax" schemes, rather than warn their own citizens to stock up now and prepare for the possibility of food shortages.... We may all pay the price dearly for this stupidity and ignorance!And about the entire fraud of this 'climate crisis' bullshit?  I was sent a few links last week after I posted more evidence exposing both the entire fraud and the evil machinations of that Greta Thunberg and her  criminal associates, where apparently that foul creature  was being "sailed" from North America to Spain, courtesy of a young couple from Australia on a catamaran with photos and a lot of fanfare to attend some major "climate crisis" events there.... It was laughable to see how the media has climbed on board with this "climate crisis" bullshit by promoting the entire fraud with this propaganda bullshit!.... The article even had the nerve to try to claim that Greta Thunberg and her evil group of minions were traveling around the world using methods that were somehow "carbon neutral", which to me is a laugher considering how much time has been spent  jetting that entire entourage from place to place while eating and sleeping in the finest establishments possible, which in no way in hell is even close to being 'carbon neutral' at all......  But again, people out there will swallow this bullshit without any thought, and sadly so many have indeed fallen prey to the "climate crisis" brainwashing which to me shows that there are indeed suckers out there born every minute..Meanwhile, down in Bolivia, apparently I and others have been right about the entire premise for the overthrow of the popular Evo Morales government by the criminals in both the US and Canadian governments..... Apparently there were reports that came out just before Morales was forced out of the La Paz government showing that "negotiations" for some new deals for mining Bolivia's massive Lithium reserves had apparently "broken down" as Morales was seeking better and more fair deals for his nation and its people....  I saw and read several articles speculating that Morales was not going to allow his nation's massive Lithium wealth to be handed over to criminal international corporations any longer for a pittance of profits for the Bolivian nation, and there was some indication that Morales was heading towards nationalization of all of Bolivia's Lithium mining..... I can guarantee that if this is indeed true, it would be a most logical reason why the US wanted at this time to go in and remove Morales from government so that they could continue to allow Bolivia's Lithium to be mined (in reality stolen..) with little profit given back to the Bolivian people!.....Greed and profits for corporations and little in return for a nations' own people may indeed be at work here in Bolivia....And what about the future of Bolivia itself with Morales out of the picture?  Word has it that an American puppet by the name of Jeanine Anez, who is considered one of Bolivia's "Spanish Elite" is now to be the hand selected ruler of Bolivia... If this foul creature is indeed put into power, the people of Bolivia will suffer tremendously as the tremendous accomplishments towards ending poverty and increasing freedom in Bolivia that were the main aims of the Morales government will now all but disappear....It will also make Bolivia ripe for internal strife and a possible civil war that could rip the nation apart......And apparently this may be the case as new protests and some fighting has now erupted in Bolivia between pro and anti Morales forces.... Yes, readers, this is once again the price a nation pays for the criminal intervention and/or overthrow of their popular government by the criminals in the US government...... It also shows once again how the US does not believe in true democracy for other nations, as they only want to maintain their world wide hegemony and control over other nations, especially for those nation's natural resources, at all cost...Apparently the long awaited new offensive by Syrian government forces and their Russian allies, is finally taking place against the US run terrorists still holed up in the Idlib pocket in northwestern Syria... Honestly, I can only say Thank Gawd, as the must needed liberation of the Syrian people being held hostage and being used as human shields in that pocket is indeed hopefully at hand....I for one do want to see the Syrian forces and their allies push through and seize key areas of the pocket to force the entire pocket to collapse, and to hell with any new calls for bullshit "ceasefires".... The Idlib pocket IMHO MUST be destroyed once and for all, to not only allow the Syrian people there be reunited with their nation, but to eliminate Idlib from being any future position from which the US/Israel/NATO cabal can launch "terrorist" attacks against the rest of Syria...Meanwhile, in northeastern Syria, the Russians and Syrian government forces continue to take control of major key positions away from both the Kurds as well as American forces.... In fact, there have been reports showing that the Russians are indeed taking control of several 'abandoned' American bases and using them for REAL humanitarian aid centres for both the Kurdish and Syrian people now liberated in northeastern Syria, which was something the American forces did not do at all during their illegal occupation over the last several years!..... It also means that US and Russian forces are indeed being positioned across northeastern Syria, making a potential clash between both sides a possible reality in the near future.... A possible false flag attack to cause such a fight to erupt is a strong possibility indeed...I have absolutely IGNORED the laughable and ludicrous political circus happening in the United States right now, by not putting up a lot of articles covering that circus up until now, with good reasons.... The fraud and most evil Communists aka "Liberals" that now make up the former Democratic rat party in the US are gunning for blood and absolutely want to see criminal US President Donald Drumpf overthrown and have their own criminals seize control of the US government.... These 'impeachment' proceedings that we see happening right now is nothing but a but pure unadulterated bullshit, as the psychos in the Democratic party have absolutely NOTHING on Drumpf and are throwing scoundrels and liars up on the podiums to lie their asses off.... The facts are plain and simple here, as the real criminals involved in this entire "Ukraine" fiasco are the crooks and criminals in the Democratic party!   Everyone in that gaggle of evil all the way up to that heinous Hillary Clinton was involved, and if REAL hearings and proceedings were to actually take place, the entire Democratic party in the United States would probably collapse and many of their key party leaders would all be in jail....But instead, we have these liars pushing for the overthrow of the American government and their own crooks and criminals being put into power in what is nothing more than a full blown coup attempt against the American nation.... The real sad part is how the American Jew spew media is right there siding fully with the Liberal criminals in the Democratic party, being cheerleaders and pure propagandists, attempting to brainwash the gullible American public.....  As a Canadian, and an unbiased observer of what is really happening right now to the formerly free United States of America,  I am sad to see how that once great nation has turned into a mockery of its former glory... The American people do need to wake the fuck up right now and not only put an end to this madness by having the criminal Communist Liberal freaks in the Democratic party be put in jail, as well as having the liars in their own media put out of business!I once again came under attack last week by a few "commentators" who obviously are part of my "favourite fan club" aka the JIDF/Hasbara group of Jewish scoundrels hired to infiltrate the Internet, where they once again tried to label me as being a "Jew hater" and of course the laughably ridiculous moniker of being "antisemitic"..... I need not even bother with the latter, as most of us know by now that the vast majority of these criminals are NOT even Semites at all, making that claim to be ludicrous.... But the former is absolutely a lie, as I am NOT a hater of anyone who are good and NOT evil.... I am after criminals, and knowing that the entire premise of Judaism is nothing more than a truly racist and most hateful "religion" is my major point of conjecture in this entire argument.... If the Jewish people out there want to curb the apparent rise in "antisemitism" and "hate" against them, then why stop their evil want for world control, seizing other peoples' lands and killing them, and stop being real racists by claiming the rest of humanity to be subhuman?   It is to me the most interesting aspect in this argument that the real haters and racists themselves, aka the Jews,  are the ones out there screaming "racism" and "hatred" against everyone else!   I have always said that if the Jewish people actually stopped and took a good hard look at their entire religion and realized how truly evil it really is, and gave up on its want for destruction and/or domination of the rest of mankind, then I would be one to gladly welcome them back into the human race...I also came under attack for my stand on the fraud of the LBGTQP horse's ass group of freaks out there that are still pushing their agenda right in our faces....  I will not waver on my stance that these freaks have NO place in our societies, period, and that their push to force their sick agenda of filth into our daily lives must be halted at all cost.......Our societies have long been built on the premise of family and wholesome family values, but here we have these freaks wanting to destroy that very foundation and basically tear our nations'  values to smithereens..... I have long said that these freaks are one of the weapons that the Jewish elite are wanting to use for their push for world dominion, and the entire LBGTQP fraud can even be seen right in their own blueprint for that world dominion, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.......Sadly, so many people have fallen prey to that sickness and so many have been silenced under fear of being somehow "politically incorrect" and "offending" others... That silence MUST end if we are ever to save ourselves from seeing our cultures, societies, and our very nations destroyed.... Fuck the LBGTQP madness, everyone, and put these freaks in their rightful places as the scourge of our societies...One last thing before I get onto my usual last minute tidbits... I have once again been warned that there will be changes in the criminal enterprise called 'Google' especially in some of their platforms including "Blogger".... I may find myself shortly on the outside looking in, as the criminal scumbags in that organization do indeed go all out and censor sites such as this one that are out there  trying to get the true uncensored truth out to people...... If I am shut down, I may be out of the picture for a bit of time until I am able to  get a new platform up and running and one that continues to not bend over to political correctness or what the Jewish elite want people to only read...... I may indeed consider going 'mainstream' with a ".ca" site, but that will cost a LOT of time and money to get launched and maintained, and I may have a hard time getting that website considering criminal corporations such as "Go Daddy" are all on board with only allowing sites to be launched that 'meet their approval'.......  I am crossing my fingers that I will be able to survive for a while yet with this format at "Blogger" as I do work on alternatives...OK, That is enough for my main train of thoughts for this last week... Time to close this rant with my usual "last minute tidbits"........Yellow Vests Protests are working on a big protest to mark the 1st anniversary of their marches in France.  But again, all of the efforts by these protestors are for naught, for their main push for the removal of that criminal Emmanuel from the French government had its chances late last year but never materialized.  Therefore the protests have lost their main focus and are presently powerless and only symbolic.  This indeed is sad for the people of France, as I for one wanted the protests to succeed,  especially in wanting to stop the flood of illegal migrants into France to destroy French society and culture!......The American run fraud "protests" in Hong Kong are now flaring up again, only this time the Chinese government may have finally had enough and may be calling their army into action against the entire enclave.  The people of Hong Kong need to wake up and see that these protests have been nothing more than a US CIA operation to use Hong Kong against China itself, for if the Chinese government does launch operations to crack down on Hong Kong, then what little democracy they have been able to maintain under Chinese control will disappear....... I was out and about this last week at the local mall, and I was stunned to see NOBODY doing any real shopping as well as so many stores trying desperately to survive by having "Black Friday" sales NOW when it is still two weeks  before that busy day!  Is this a sign that economic collapse is happening right now in Canada?  From the evidence I have seen, I would say ABSOLUTELY!........A new report came out late last week showing that the "number of deaths" associated with Influenza over the last few years has been severely overblown, and that the real number is actually quite miniscule.  No shock here, for the propaganda of over inflating the number of actual deaths from the Flu is done purposely as part of the scare tactics to get gullible people to line up and allow criminals to inject their poisons into their bodies!  The facts are simple, everyone, in that the Flu Shot does NOT work, period, and you should avoid it at all cost........The psycho state of Israel is at it again, as it launches new attacks against both Gaza and the occupied West Bank that are killing more innocent Palestinians.  People need to wake up to reality here, as the psychos in Israel are still hell bent on having the Palestinians killed or sent into permanent exile so that they can have ALL of Palestine for their greedy selfish selves........Russian President Vladimir Putin stated in a recent interview that the US dollar will collapse real soon, and honestly he is right.  The US dollar has been in reality based on NOTHING for the last several decades.  Nations all over the planet are now coming to that conclusion very rapidly now, and many are dumping the US dollar as their reserve currency.  This rapid change could not only spell curtains for the US dollar but for the entire US economy in the process..........The war in Yemen is still continuing, with the criminal Saudis still targeting Yemen civilians in what is nothing more than a war of genocide.  But with the reality still being that the Saudis have lost this war,  and therefore all of this still ongoing killing of innocent people will only make the price the Houthis will demand on Saudi Arabia's surrender that much more drastic!......I find it interesting that the hoopla for the upcoming Tokyo Olympic games next year are now in full swing, with people being made unaware that the nearby Fukushima nuclear disaster is still ongoing.  I will not back down from my statement that the athletes going to those games had better have decent radiation suits with them along with geiger counters handy, for they will get a real healthy dose of radiation during their stay in Tokyo next summer........And speaking of Tokyo, I saw an article where President Drumpf's administration is wanting some $8 Billion from the Japanese government to "maintain" US forces on Japanese soil.   Honestly, is there a catch here?  The Japanese government should tell the US government to take a hike, screw their $8 billion demand,  and get the hell out of Japan immediately!...... I saw an interesting article stating that the claim that 11000 "scientists" have written a letter claiming that the climate crisis is real is in fact bogus, as there were NEVER 11000 scientists who put their name to that letter at all.  No shock here, as all of this hype that man caused "climate change" is real and proven by "science" is an absolute FRAUD....... Reports stating that the Italian city of Venice is now "under water" thanks to "climate change" are a fraud.  The reality is that Venice itself has been sinking for decades now, thanks to the very land it sits on, and that the recent flooding was caused by a natural storm surge and NOT by "climate change".  Yes, people are indeed so gullible and not aware of reality......... Someone wrote a comment to this blog recently calling these rants "lame".  Well, to that reader, you try writing all this from information just off the top of your head and see how well you can do this yourself.  Yes, the vast majority of what you read here comes from my own mind and from my own recollection and diagnosis of details of events..... I see one of my targets, that heinous Taylor Swift is back at it, frothing at the mouth with her stupid Liberal political views.  And here I thought the Kardashians were bad, but this creature is really gunning for being my new target to end these rants........No EPL league games this weekend, as I again go through Soccer withdrawals.  Arsenal is slated to play Southampton next Saturday, and I am crossing my fingers for a Gunner victory to get them back on a winning track.  I have given up hopes as of now of seeing the Gunners actually win the EPL title though as Liverpool and Manchester City are just too strong.......And finally,  I had wanted to post something this week about the revolting psycho ward world of the Kardashians, but there has been a dearth of anything coming from those misfits and trollops this last week.  But fear not, for these foul creatures are still out there turning American minds to mush with their antics. Maybe next week I will have another instalment on these skanks in what I am calling 'As The Stomach Turns"....More to comeNTS