Important Health News: Shocking Video Shows Ontario Canada's Minister Of Health FAKING Getting Flu Shot!

It is indeed "flu season" up here in central Canada, and every major Jew spew media outlet is out there on the Talmudvision as well as radio, saying that everyone out there should be their "annual flu shot" to avoid getting Influenza...   As I stated in so many previous articles, I find this such an abomination, for the reality is that the "flu shot" absolutely does NOT stop the flu from occurring and in fact weakens the sucker that took the shot's immune system.....But what was sent my way just the other day by an astute reader is such a deplorable abomination, that I definitely want to share it with all of my readers to show how the criminals in our own governments are indeed in on the flu shot scam and want the sucker sheep out there to have their poisonous shots injected into our bodies.... For according to the following video, the so called "Health Minister" of Ontario, Canada was shown "getting her flu shot" when in reality the entire scenario was a SCAM!  Here in fact is the video of that abomination for everyone to see right here for themselves... I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: What we have here as shown in this video is the health minister of Ontario being part of the flu shot scam... She absolutely did NOT receive that shot at all, and I will explain here why...(a) There was NO needle at the end of that syringe at all, for there is NO mark at all on the recipient's arm after the "shot" went and penetrated her skin...(b) NO red marks, or no needle mark at all after the needle penetration...No subsequent wiping of the needle area as well as no bandage anywhere in sight just in case the needle penetration draws blood...(c) The person administrating the shot HID the end of the syringe, to prevent astute viewers from seeing that there was NO needle at all!This is indeed an abomination readers... And the good people of Ontario, Canada, should be up in arms that their own "Health Minister" had the gall and the audacity to pull this scam..... She should be fired and have her ass thrown out of the Ontario Legislature for even pulling this falsehood on the general public....This only shows once again that the liars and perpetrators behind the entire "flu shot" scam are well aware of the poisons that they are using on people..... It does remind me of a few years back at that "Golden Globe" ceremony in the US where the announcers were saying that all of the actors in the audience could receive their "flu shot" right there and rolled out supposed "doctors" to administer those shots... But if you watched very closely, the 'doctors"did not properly administer the shots at all and actually did NOT even have any of their "needles" come anywhere close to any of the actors skin.... That was scam at that time as well...The facts are simple here... Only a complete IDIOT would go out and allow these bastards to roll up their sleeves and inject their poisons into their bodies..... Avoid the so called "flu shot" and all other "vaccines" at all cost for your own sake, everyone..More to comeNTS