Reflections On The FRAUD Moon Landings Of 50 Years Ago - I Honestly Do NOT Like Being Lied To!

I remember way back in 1969 about how excited I was on the night of July 15th, 1969 knowing that the next morning, July 16th, Apollo 11 was going to "blast off" from Cape Kennedy (Now Canaveral) on its voyage to put the first men on the moon... I barely slept a wink and the next morning I was right there sitting with my older brother right in front of our old black and white television set in our living room staring at the countdown clock as the hours and minutes counted down towards the launch of the "massive" Saturn 5 rocket..... It was indeed a great experience for a young impressionable child such as myself that was always amazed by science and the wonderment that was supposedly about to unfold....I also remember when I was sitting in front of the television set on the afternoon of July 20th, 1969, watching once again in awe as the controllers at Houston Mission Control in Houston Texas had mission commander, Neil Armstrong announce "Houston, Tranquility Base here... The Eagle has landed".... I turned and looked at my older brother that was so excited and all I could do was stare and smile.... Everything seemed again to be so perfect, and for a young man of 9 years of age enthralled with science, I was so amazed....And of course some 6 hours later, in the earlier evening hours of July 20th, 1969, I was once again in front of that old vacuum tube black and white television set watching as Neil Armstrong went down the ladder on the side of the Eagle Lunar Module and said the famous words "One small step for man,  one giant leap for mankind!" .... My father was in the room now along with my mother and they both cheered and clapped as what was supposed to be man's greatest achievement was right in front of our eyes.... And again, everything was so perfect, and I thought to myself that "someday I would also be out in outer space"..... Yes, heady times for an impressionable and very intelligent young man...But after several more "missions" to the moon, and of course the supposed fiasco of Apollo 13, I thought that the landings had become "kind of boring".... I really did not even speculate at that time in 1972 that something was terribly amiss... But my suspicions began to grow after that time point..Yes, after Apollo 17 was the "last mission to the moon", I wondered if NASA and the US government would take the next step and possibly prepare for more missions to the moon and even to Mars.... But with year after year, and only Apollo-Soyuz in 1975 in the interim, I really thought that something was wrong.... Why did this great adventure to outer space suddenly end?...... I for one was very disappointed and by the late 70's began to think that something was wrong and that my dreams of ever getting into outer space were shattered....I was, in spite of the lack of any manned missions to the moon beyond Project Apollo, still a firm believer that we did go to the moon all the way until my second year in University, where I was studying Physics..... It was a cold winter here in central Canada in early 1979, when I was working in one of the Physics labs on several experiments and working on a term project... At that point I remember one of the Physics Professors that was still hanging out in the lab came and talk to me about my experiment and shooting the shit about a wide range of other topics and he asked what I had aspired to be once out of University.... When I told him jokingly that my childhood aspirations were to be an astronaut, he said "Brian, I know you are a very bright young man... And I really want to tell you something that you should be made aware of".... At that point, he started talking about radiation in space and how it was a "show stopper" in terms of manned flight in outer space.. He then told me about his discussions with a Professor in the US from a few years back who flat out told him that Project Apollo and all of the manned space missions were faked.... I stood there flabbergasted and a bit annoyed... But knowing this man to be not a liar, I listened as he laid out some of the difficulties that the US Government and especially NASA knew about trying to put men on the moon long before and even after they launched the Apollo program, and basically flat out said that they basically did the greatest propaganda stunt in human history by fooling billions that they actually went to the moon...Could you just imagine what effect all of this information had on a person such as myself that had grown up for years actually trusting everything that I was told?  And actually trusting governments that they would never lie?   I thought at that time in 1979 that I needed a LOT more information about the faking of Project Apollo, and sadly very little was available at that time...However, I began a long journey of mistrust of government during the 1980's, which I call my more "radical years".... I was one to question everything, especially since I did not like being lied to..... I began to realize that there was indeed a greater evil that somehow controlled all of mankind, and it was by the beginning of the 1990's that I looked upon the Jewish elite and their criminal minions as the real "controllers" and the ones that were fucking up our world...But of course that is another point of contention, so back to Project Apollo....I spent a lot of time looking over some of the "official" photos and some of the videos released about Project Apollo, and again being a radical, it seemed just "too perfect" and there were indeed some "anomalies" that even I saw in what was presented... But of course with limited access to anything that was written about the Apollo fraud, I had to keep my thoughts about it being a massive hoax quiet, at least for the time being...It was only after I first began to access the Internet back in 1998 (I could have used dial-up before that time, but did not..) and I began to read on some rudimentary information that was out there at that time showing that it was a fraud... I began to read about a "Bill Kaysing" and finally was able to get some information on his book published years before that time about calling Apollo nothing more than a multi-billion dollar swindle..... And after 2000, I got a hold of some information about a "Ralph Rene" and a few others that backed up Bill's contentions with some amazing real science and proof of the con... I spent a lot of time going over their material and so much from others, and I found very little in rebuttal from those who sadly stuck to the moon landings being "real".... It was so hard for even me to finally admit that I was LIED to about Project Apollo, and again I honestly do NOT like being lied to!And of course a few years later I started writing articles here at Northerntruthseeker about the fraud moon landings.... I have to admit that when I look back at some of my original works under the title of a series called 'What Were They Thinking?", I have a good chuckle... Much of the information was very rudimentary compared to what I know now, but the gist is still the same... Apollo is and always has been a fraud and one of the greatest lies in human history, and sadly we have the US Government as part of the massive con which to this day continues to propagate this massive lie... .Oh, and by the way, did I mention that I do not like being lied to???So... Where do we stand on this being the 50th anniversary of the fraud of Project Apollo and the Apollo 11 "man on the moon" mission?   It is so sad to see so many people still stupidly adhering and believing in this massive con... But it makes sense for I have looked at it as part of human nature to have faith and to "believe" in what we are told... From an early childhood, most of us are taught to obey and respect and to have that bit of "faith" in what we are being told as being true.... It is therefore so hard for most people to admit and realize that they have been lied to even though all of the evidence of the lie is staring them right in their faces.... That and we have the propaganda continuously being promoted about "America's Greatness" and "America being #1" which has been brainwashing so many of my neighbours to the south of here that it is almost sickening....Well, I could make this article so much longer going into the vast details and facts that show that Project Apollo was indeed one of the greatest con jobs in the history of mankind...But I leave it up to readers to spend time going over the fine details of the fraud if they are still doubting if it was indeed a lie.....  The truth is of course that now some 50 years after this "man's greatest achievement", we have never gone "back to the moon" since 1972 and the US government and no other government on this planet has the means and the knowhow on how to do it today!  That in itself should tell even the most ardent believers in this fraud something is indeed terribly amiss in regards to Project Apollo..... And we cannot forget that never in the history of mankind have we actually taken a step back in terms of technological achievement other than after the conclusion of this "Project Apollo" since the program ended in 1972.... If we actually went to the moon then, then why not go back?  And with all of the advancements since then, what in the hell is the hold up in using our "advanced" technology of today to ensure that return?   Yes, you Apollo believers out there, do you not see the point here?And what about NASA in itself?  NASA to me is a criminal organization of lies and deception that goes beyond Project Apollo.... They faked not only the Apollo Missions, but have been faking the Mars landing missions as well since the close of "Project Apollo".... I have already posted up articles here showing that Viking I and Viking II missions to Mars could not even have landed on the red planet due to the impossible usage of parachutes in the ultra thin Martian atmosphere... And I posted up a few articles showing the ridiculousness of the Curiosity rover on Mars fiasco that used a landing platform that nobody has ever seen, or was never ever tested before Curiosity!   All that this means is that NASA has continued with their lies ever since Project Apollo to this day.... And yes, I absolutely do hate being lied to!   It is also no wonder that NASA has stood for "Never A Straight Answer" in terms of the ridiculousness of their space program....So... In conclusion... I will not be toasting and celebrating NASA on this 50th anniversary of one of the greatest frauds in human history... Instead I will be shaking my head in disgust as the Jew spew media, especially in the United States, goes into their rah rah celebrations of the fraud... That and I will laugh my ass off thinking about how gullible and stupid people can be as they refuse to use common sense to think and realize that it was indeed a massive con..... I hate liars, and oh, by the way, did I mention that I honestly do NOT like being lied to?More to comeNTS