Speak Out While You Can!

I am under constant attack here at this blog for my writings.... And the facts are that I have from day one when I started this blog been fingering the Jewish criminals as the ones who are out there destroying our planet and ruining our societies...I have no qualms in pointing out fact after fact that shows that to be absolutely true, and I absolutely can not stand the false accusations of me being somehow "antisemitic" when their usage of that term is actually a complete bunch of bull crap....The facts stand for themselves as these criminals have been using that "antisemitic" bullshit term as a ruse to cover for their incessant crimes, and sadly they have been successful for the last century at least in using that term falsely as they continue their criminal ways.....But again these criminals are not even Semites, as the majority are actually Indo-Turkish Asiatic Khazars, and therefore do not have one single drop of Semitic blood in the majority within their entire tribe.....It is also a fact that the Palestinian people that they have been murdering in their quest to steal the land of Palestine are in fact the REAL Semites...... Therefore when one of those criminals hurls the claim that anyone is "antisemite" they are indeed wrong, especially if that person does support the Palestinians, the real Semites, and their cause and want for their homeland of Palestine to rightfully be returned to them as I always have....It is also a fact that our crooked and criminal governments are right now working very hard to try to make "antisemitism" a criminal act with a penalty of jail time... This has always been at the bequest of the Jewish criminals that control our nations as they want to have "antisemitism" laws in place to cover for their criminal ways and to make sure that they can get away with almost anything they want... Nations passing laws against "antisemitism" are basically stating that the Jews are now the masters of their countries and that they can get away with anything that they want..... It is also a fact that to pass "antisemitism" laws would basically END free speech permanently in our previously free nations, as it would muzzle and stifle anyone that wants to speak the truth and wants to point out the Jewish crimes against humanity.....Which leads me to the newest article that was just released two days ago by John Kaminski over at this website: www.johnkaminski.org..... This one is entitled: "Speak Out While You Can", and shows the importance of everyone stopping the push to end free speech in our nations, especially against the crimes committed by the Jewish criminals against all of mankind..... I have that article right here for everyone to see and read for themselves, and as always I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:

Speak out while you can

Published: Wednesday, 03 July 2019 13:52JEWS BLOCK FREE SPEECHWITH ANTI-SEMITISM LAWS,CONTROL OF WORLDWIDE WEBLater Moses led his leprous tribe out of Egypt after they first stole all the valuables they could, forever delineating what has become quintessential Jewish behavior over time.The reason why Americans lost their freedom of speech is because they were prevented from speaking openly about Jews, that parasitic class of Asian nomads which has plundered (and been banished from) hundreds of countries during the last five centuries, each time for the same reason — corrupting native leaders and stealing the wealth of their states.Recent examples of this are France, Russia, Germany, England and the United States — all of which have long since become thinly camouflaged Jewish satellites serving Israel’s psychopathological interests.This two thousand year tradition of having no country of their own but sabotaging all other countries they infiltrate has culminated in today’s situation where Jews have acquired their own fortress nation located at “the crossroads of civilization” from which to manipulate all the powers of the world through their control of money. Adolf Hitler had the best description of Israel: “. . . a university for budding crooks . . .” Now it’s basically the center of all the world’s perversions, most especially, swindling..Jews have turned human society into a mindlocked prison where everyone must deal with them in order to survive.Is there a clearer snapshot of that class of deceivers known as “the only democracy in the Middle East” when, staying true to their longtime modus operandi, it’s not a democracy at all!Big surprise. And another Jewish lie. Israel is really a slave state run by Jews that either stigmatizes, imprisons, deports or murders nearly everyone who is not Jewish. For the rest of the world, Jews tell us “strength in diversity”, but in Israel, it’s Jews only, and everybody else who cannot be used for devious, exploitative purposes can expect to be run out of town, poisoned, or obliterated from the air.The thing about Jewish information is that it usually can never be proven. It is always meant to trick the listener into believing something that isn’t true.From Pearl Harbor to 9/11. From AIDS to Glyphosate. From Freud to Einstein, these falsehoods are eventually being debunked as previously intimidated scientists are finally trespassing on this truth about the Jews.Since everything Jews say about themselves is a lie, it makes no sense to believe anything they say. Yet the current situation extant in the world is that Jews control virtually all forms of communication, can eavesdrop on practically anybody practically anywhere, and have the means of surreptitiously disposing of anyone who interferes with their demonic plans.I’m currently reading a book a classic instance of this, the already much reviewed Dave Martin opus about the assassination of James Forrestal in 1949, one of many murdered examples in this category of principled people who opposed the theft of Palestine by Jews. (Review to follow soon.)Human civilization desperately needs a higher morality than either its churches or educational institutions are willing or able to provide.Gentiles are so stupid they don’t even realize their holy book was written by Jews, and I’m not just talking about Saul/Paul, the Jew who wrote the New Testament. I’m talking about those other books in the Old Testament that at least my original denomination, Episcopalian, included in the Bibles it handed out (I still have mine).By my reckoning, the “great father” Abraham was really the first banker, mythologized by power mad priests. He went to Egypt and supposedly pimped out his own wife/sister to pharaoh. Later Moses led his leprous tribe out of Egypt after they first stole all the valuables they could, forever delineating what has become quintessential Jewish behavior over time.And the book of Esther is nothing but an advertisement for Jewish vengeance against everyone else. It certainly does not belong in a Christian Bible, you would think (if you weren’t Jewish, or duped by Jews).These items are meaningless relics of the Dim Age, as opposed to the Dark Ages, both of which were kindled by the pathological precepts of the Roman church, which in turn had been created by those Christos-muttering tribes in the ancient world who championed belief in a higher power.This is what you can believe in.Can’t say I recall the exact citation that caused this meme to pop into my head, but somewhere along the line I got the impression Saul/Paul, architect of most of the New Testament, said that adherence to belief in Christ with simple prayer was the equal of beneficial actions in the world. In other words, you could say prayers and not have to get involved with fighting injustice in the real world. This is been a plague upon religion for thousands of years because it is a lie. There is no substitute for beneficial actions in the world, and simple prayer, while beneficial to oneself, never takes the place of genuinely honorable actions in real time.In other words, you don’t get to heaven just by praying.Any preacher who says otherwise instantly defrocks himself.You have to question the power of prayer when people who pray five times a day can still go out and murder people as their way of achieving their heavenly deliverance. That is really sick sh*t.So all those Zionist Christians praying for the deliverance of Israel are all really in-country traitors assisting in the destruction of the United States.A hundred years hence, all these current religions will only exist in museums as humans will have figured out by then that if you’re not involved in service to life, nature will figure out a way to take you down. Yes, one day all this pathological chaff that besieges us now will be gone.God is a manifestation caused by the fear that one day you will be dead. As such, God is the perfect pill for the fear, because you are taught to live a healthy, functional life that will lead to happiness all around. For most of humanity struggling to stay alive, that good fortune can be attained at least in a family setting if the vicissitudes of the world don’t strike you down first.But the great fault of most religions is that they demand annihilation of competing creeds. This is useful. It guarantees those who do this have no connection to God whatsoever. It also guarantees perpetual war.But at the state level the chaos of self-interest cannot be regulated without strict rules that cannot be bent without serious penalties. Right now our courts are utterly corrupt, with an entire class of rich people utterly immune from prosecution because of their power.This is a clear path to destruction. Nature (same as God, you must remember) does not tolerate injustice. You may also remember what gives us life is Nature, and it can do the opposite. As you sow, so shall you reap.So should you keep your mouth shut? You could stay silent forever, and shorten your life considerably. Or you could clearly identify the potentially fatal parasite and neutralize it, which would provide the biggest improvement to the peace of mind of everyone on Earth.But only with large numbers of people recognizing the imminent danger and acting on it could this possibly be accomplished. Waiting only brings more new laws that further restrict our freedom of speech and drastically lessens our chances to ever fulfill our hopes for a lasting, productive and peaceful human destiny. #NTS Notes: Another superb essay by John Kaminski, and once again shows how the Jewish criminals are indeed wanting their slave governments in their slave nations to pass laws to make "antisemitism" illegal and punishable by jail time...I again cannot emphasize the importance of making sure that free speech is not destroyed by idiotic individuals that are slaves to criminal Jewish interests... People must never live in fear of speaking the truth and we all must make sure that right is never subdued and destroyed...I also agree with John that staying silent while these criminals work towards their ultimate goal of world supremacy is the worse thing that anyone can do....... For again, as I have stated many times before, evil does triumph when good people stay silent and do nothing to stop evil from growing and succeeding.....Remember to always speak your mind and tell the truth.....Do not back down when someone falsely accuses you of being an "antisemite" for you know the truth about that how these criminals have been using that false phrase to cover for their crimes!.....More to comeNTS