Important Article: Anti-Vaxxers Threaten Our Managed Perceptions!

I am an "anti-vaxxer" and absolutely proud of it!   I have no qualms in pointing out here in countless articles now at this blog the absolute dangers of "vaccines" and how they are not only useless but are being used to destroy our minds and our bodies by very nefarious people..... Sadly again and again now I see reports via the Jew spew media claiming that "anti-vaxxers" are somehow dangerous and that we must be stopped by all means necessary... It has gotten so bad that I have also seen reports where some states in the formerly free nation called the United States, and even a few provinces here in formerly free Canada, are pushing for 'FORCED vaccinations' and to have anyone that opposes these "vaccines" to be dealt with by throwing them in jail!  Yes, readers, apparently the criminals in charge do not want the truth about how vaccines destroy people to get out!I was reading some alternative media sites today, and was surfing around to see what other real truth seekers have up at their sites, and I found one in particular that I wanted to absolutely share with my own readers here.... Penny, over at "Penny For Your Thoughts" at, has put up an amazing article that is entitled: "Anti-Vaxxers Threaten Our Managed Perceptions" and I want to share that article right here for all to see for themselves... Here is that article, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:

Monday, June 10, 2019

“Anti- Vaxxers” Threaten Our Managed Perceptions

In just a short paragraph this article, as published in the Vancouver Sun, laid bare the real reason the ‘anti-vaxxers’ are such a threat.  It has less to do with dis-ease and more to do with maintaining the ‘status quo’.  Something the "anti-vaxxers" are not going along with.

"Today’s anti-vaxxers are less countercultural, more middle classand often reflect a feminist shift in health care, as MacDougal describes it, in that they are frequently wealthy, educated, resourceful women who have been urged all their lives to control their own health, to think critically, and to research and act upon their own conclusions about risk."

I'm going to repeat that paragraph below:

Today’s anti-vaxxers are less countercultural, more middle class and often reflect a feminist shift in health care, as MacDougal describes it, in that they are frequently wealthy, educated, resourceful womenwho have been urged all their lives to control their own health, tothink critically, and to research and act upon their own conclusions about risk.

Wealthy or at the very least solidly middle class, educated, resourceful, critical thinkers researching and acting upon their own conclusions regarding risk. -Challenging ordained authority. -Taking charge of and being responsible for one's own health and the health of their children-Thinking critically-Doing your own research- Making informed decisions about risk Reads like positive attributes in my world- Yet, these are the very people that are being chastized and attacked as heretics for not accepting the edicts of a government that's captive to big pharma.  Oh dear what's a tyrannical society to do?NTS Notes: Again, I do want to thank Penny for bringing this fabulous piece of work forward....I had long thought that I was alone in terms of my constant attacks on dangerous vaccines, and I am glad that Penny has now joined in this fight by presenting the evidence you see here that the monsters in charge are indeed wanting to suppress "anti-vaxxers" by claiming that we are somehow violating their "managed perceptions" about how vaccines are so great!  Yes, the truth is that vaccines are one of the control mechanisms that these criminals are using today against us.... These insidious "shots" contain a wide variety of dangerous and poisonous chemicals, and in many cases they do so much horrific harm to our bodies..... I will state clearly that these chemicals do more harm to the body itself than the 'diseases' that they are supposedly designed to fight against!And I will state that I am not a "heretic" for my anti-vaccine stance.... I have always been a man of real science and for at least the last decade I have questioned everything about vaccines... Finding out the long list of dangerous chemicals and poisons that these "shots" contain has only reinforced my stance and has shown that my arguments against vaccines are valid...To the naysayers out there... I can only say that you all must indeed think critically, do your own research, and make informed decisions knowing about the risks of these 'vaccines' before you do decide to roll up your sleeves and have one of them injected into your blood stream... You would indeed be shocked to find out how these vaccines absolutely are an abomination and absolutely do NOT work..More to comeNTS