Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 19th, 2019

Sunday...And better late than never, time for my weekend rant..I am extremely busy this "Victoria Day" long weekend up here in central Canada... On top of my work on the next 'phase' in my constant home renovations projects, I have finally got around to doing some yard work to clean up the residue from what was one heck of a brutal and LONG cold winter (gosh darn that Global Warming!).....  And I finally got a bit of time today to try to fire off this rant before my better half has me doing something else around the house....Yes, it has been one heck of a very long winter, and as I said before this is only the beginning of at least a decade where temperatures will be well BELOW normal for every season... In fact right now here in Canada the average daytime high has not been above 20C which is quite abnormal for those who are still trying to sell the bullshit that this year, 2019, will be the "warmest year on record".  I for one wonder what in the fuck those liars behind the climate change fraud are smoking that they are actually believing the lies that they are promoting.... This will NOT be the "warmest year on record" and in fact the temperatures right across the planet will continue to fall  for the next decade as we enter what is indeed a "Grand solar minimum".....And lets put this Carbon Dioxide is a "Greenhouse Gas" bullshit to bed finally!  Carbon Dioxide is absolutely NOT a gas in our atmosphere that promotes warming... It is in fact a coolant and its molecular makeup does not promote the absorption of solar radiation along the infrared spectrum of light.... The real "greenhouse gases" in our atmosphere are Water Vapour (H20) and the trace amounts of Methane (CH4)....But of course when the criminals decided that they would try to get gullible people sold on the idea that we had to "restrict greenhouse gases", they knew that they could not TAX water vapour, for that alone would be so preposterous... They had considered Methane gas under the laughable assertion that "cow farts" had to be restricted, only to be laughed at for that equally preposterous notion... Therefore the onus for them to try to fleece our societies fell on the notion that Carbon Dioxide was a "pollutant" and that it was also a "greenhouse gas" that had to be restricted.....Everyone and everything produces Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and since most people do not even understand both chemistry and the physics of light, these criminals have been able to bullshit their way into getting most nations to 'TAX" carbon dioxide "emissions" and to convince them that we have to reduce CO2 for the "good of the planet".... Nothing could be further from the truth, for the facts remain that Carbon Dioxide is an essential gas in our atmosphere, as it is a life giver to our planet's plant life....  In fact, we do have the strong evidence presented that shows that high levels of CO2 in our atmosphere has been promoting the greening of the planet which we do need for our very survival!..... Yes, readers, there are suckers born every minute, and the idiots and morons out there that believe the bullshit that Carbon taxation is necessary to "reduce" CO2 and "save our planet" are seriously some of the stupidest people on planet Earth!Well, there does indeed appear to be a "lull before the storm" in regards to the impending war against the innocent and peaceful nation of Iran..... The US and its "allies" are very quietly sending in more and more troops, weapons, and ammunition into the Middle East for the "build up" for this idiotic conflict.... And the Jew spew media has indeed been throwing out as much bullshit as possible to try to vilify Iran and to create the falsehood that we must destroy that "evil nation".... But honestly what exactly has Iran ever done to deserve this?   I again want to bring forward the following points of conjecture and "claims" about Iran that are false, and of course my counter-points to each false claim:(1) "Iran is a threat to the world" -  When I see this being harped constantly, all I can do is shake my head in disgust... Iran has not attacked anyone for centuries, and has no need for wars against its neighbours at all.... To claim that Iran is this "threat to the world" is nothing but pure hysteria and lies based on falsehoods and not facts...(2) "Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the map"  -  This stupidity has already been debunked so many times... It comes from the "misinterpretation" (done on purpose of course...) of a statement made well over a decade ago by the former Iranian leadership that stated that they only want to see a change in leadership in the criminal Jewish state away from a government bent on aggression to one that truly wants peace... The "wipe Israel from the map" bullshit is pure propaganda being pushed by the Jewish criminals who run the Jew spew media to vilify Iran....(3) "Iran has or is building nuclear weapons" -  This has been also hammered into gullible peoples' minds for well over the last 2 decades, and is absolutely false... The Atomic Energy experts who have always had full cooperation and full access to every Iranian nuclear energy facility have found none, ZERO, evidence of any Iranian "secret nuclear weapons" program.... This bullshit of Iran wanting nukes is once again pure propaganda and is being harped by the Jewish criminals themselves who want Iran destroyed... . People need to get up to speed on the reality that Iran has zero nukes, and take a close look at the sinister state of Israel with its HUNDREDS of nuclear weapons and the means to use them to potentially wipe out at least 1/2 of the entire planet under their equally sinister "Samson option"....(4) "Iran is a terrorist state and is harbouring terrorist groups" -  This one is just as laughable as the rest... The Iranian nation has been working closely with other Arabic nations in destroying so called "Islamic terrorist" groups, and has for decades identified the real terrorists which are the Americans and the Israelis.... Iran has constantly arrested so many American and Israeli infiltrators that have come into their nation to try to create "terrorism" and their ability to curtail and destroy said terrorism has been a beacon for other nations in the region to emulate!(5) "Iran has been sending their forces into Arabic nations to arm groups opposed to Israel" - This has been harped a lot recently by the psychos in Israel, and has been one of the sick Israeli excuses to constantly bomb Syria.   But the facts are that the Iranians have sent some of their specialists to aid the Syrians in their war against US/Israeli aggression and to fight against US/Israeli run terrorist groups.   Iran also sends support to groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas but in most cases that is humanitarian aid to give those groups the capabilities to oppose Israeli aggression!.   It is a fact that it is the Israelis that are constantly sending supplies to terrorist groups in their neighbouring Arab nations to always try to overthrow those countries' governments!Those are of course 5 key points that everyone needs to understand are bold faced lies.... The reality is of course that the US/Israel "alliance" of evil wants Iran destroyed as Iran is the last large bastion of resistance in the entire Middle East opposed to Israeli aggression and the sickness of the "Greater Israel" project of expansion and conquering of Israel's neighbours......  And it must be pointed out that Iran is one of the last nations on planet Earth that does NOT have a criminal Jewish Rothschild "central bank" of criminal debt usury imposed on its citizens..... All that, and Iran now trading its petroleum to other nations in currency other than the sinister American led "metro-dollar", and you have a bullseye put on that peaceful nation for its impending destruction....  The bottom line here is simple: All of the bullshit being pushed out there right now about Iran being a "threat" is complete hogwash, and is being pumped into the most gullible and stupid minds out there to try to garner support for American/Israeli aggression against a truly peaceful nation... It is time for  people to wake up and put an end to this insanity....Of course besides keeping a close eye on what has been happening with Iran, I have been following the war in Syria as the Syrian Arabic Army (SAA) and its Russian allies have made some serious headway in their attacks  against the southern part of the Idlib pocket in northwestern Syria....The problem is that right now the SAA has been gaining some serious ground against the American/Israeli run "terrorists" in the pocket, and it does not surprise me one bit that these "terrorists" are now wanting to see a new 'ceasefire' to halt that SAA advances..... I truly am shocked that the Russians are sitting down with both these American "terrorists" as well as Turkey to try to hammer out a long term ceasefire at this time.... IMHO, there should be no "ceasefire" as the SAA is now winning, and the Russians should not be sitting down with those criminals while their allies are on the verge of victory against Idlib......Let the SAA finish the job, wipe out the last vestiges of these "terrorists" in that pocket, free the civilian population in that pocket that have had to endure the brutality of those same "terrorists", and to hell with any more "ceasefires" that have always been used to allow the "terrorists" to get rearmed and resupplied by their American masters...Yes, readers, I am now under fire and with the Jewish criminals behind "Google" wanting to suppress any real truths out there, I can see the day that this blog is finally shut down for good..... Honestly, if the criminals do shut me down, I will probably take a short break and possibly go mainstream eventually without running this blog through that criminal enterprise called "Blogger".... It will not be cheap going mainstream, and I will probably need the help of a few experts out there that have the know-how in building a proper full functioning website.... I am also considering go the way that Jim Stone has, and have a future website run through Iceland to avoid criminal Jewish run groups like "Go Daddy" having control over the site's location on the Internet.....  There are  a lot of possibilities out there, and I for one do NOT want to see my efforts disappear any time soon... To hell with the Jewish concept of "censorship", for the truth and real news must be told...As everyone has noticed, especially in regards to my last article before this rant, I am sick and tired of the falsehood of "political correctness".... I have stated for years now that fraud is and always has been the creation of criminal Jewish interests and is being used as yet another weapon to suppress and censor their opposition to their crimes against all humanity..... People need to go after the "liberals" and the "snowflakes" out there that have been poisoning our societies and have ruined so much of "free speech" that people are absolutely afraid to speak their minds any more out of fear of not being "politically correct"....Screw that bullshit and absolutely get out there, everyone and tell it exactly like it is..... If people suddenly cry out with the lie of "You are hurting my feelings", tell them to take a hike and get a life, and if they refuse tell them to fuck right off..... Never ever back down, and absolutely get the truth out no matter how brutal it may be to some idiots out there...Well... I guess that is enough for the moment.... I have a lot of projects to get going this long weekend, and will post up an article or two over the next few days when I get a break.... In the meantime, I have a rant to close off and as usual here comes my last minute tidbits....... I see that the criminal May government in the United Kingdom "failed" once again to get any headway on "Brexit" and once again I wish the British people would get it, for that government has been stonewalling Brexit all along in the hope that it will exasperate the British people that they will ask for a 'revote' to leave the EU.  If the British people are that stupid, then they deserve the corrupted vote that will see them enslaved to the Rothschild run EU forever.  The solution is simple: Get out of the EU now!......Another case against Glyphosate in America and of course Bayer which continues to promote that carcinogen, I see.  This one for some $2 Billion in damages.  And yet, both the US and Canadian governments continue to allow that poison to be used on both sides of our border?  What the fuck is the matter with people?   It is time to ban that chemical everywhere and to allow the damage done by its usage to heal..... I see that state of Oregon was unable to pass a law to mandate "vaccinations" on everyone.   And I say good for the citizens of that state!  But the facts are that other criminal governments are going forward and trying to push these poisonous chemicals into our bodies everywhere which is so sinister and so horrific.  People do need to stand up and say "NO!" to vaccines, period..........I see the "tiff" between the US and China is still going strong, and I will repeat that in spite of the rhetoric, both nations do need each other and they know that the consequences of being stupid could be horrific to both.  The solution is of course to stop the bickering, sit down and actually hammer out a fair and equitable trade deal that is beneficial to both parties.  Hopefully that notion of civility is still out there, right?.........I constantly see reports over the internet where illegal migrants that have been invading our nations are constantly raping and committing murders in their new host nations.   I saw all this coming, as these "migrants' have NO future in their new nations and simply can not blend with our societies, period.  The solution is and has always been to take the majority of these illegals that are a poison to our nations and send them all packing back to the shit holes they originated from.  Sadly our Jew run governments continue to follow their masters' orders and have our borders wide open to these dregs to society, only to see our very societies destroyed!......  And of course while we are having our borders left wide open to these sewer rats, we have the psycho state of Israel that has closed their borders and does not have these dregs poison their state.  Yes, this is definitely hypocrisy as the Jewish criminals are the ones behind our migrant crisis, while they themselves continue to try to keep their "race" and their illegal "state" pure!..........Speaking of hypocrisy, someone sent me a picture of an ad for "Volvo" automobiles where the one being promoted in America shows two 'gay men" standing hand in hand above a little girl driving a toy car, while the same advertisement pushed in Poland shows a Man and a woman holding hands while standing above that same little girl in that same toy car!  Is this done purposely to push the "homosexual agenda" into American thinking and to try to destroy American society? Absolutely!  And we all know which "tribe" is behind this agenda as well!..........27 weeks and counting in terms of the Yellow Vests uprising in France, and the protests seem to be never ending.  I am still wondering at what point that criminal Prime Minister, Macron, has had enough and cracks down on these protests with the French army.  That time may be coming very soon, and I do fear for both the protestors and France as a whole....... The Houthis in Yemen are again making significant gains against the evil Saudi invaders of their land.  The Houthis have in fact shown their ingenuity last week where they launched two successful attacks via home made "drones" against Saudi petroleum pumping stations deep within Saudi Arabia itself.  I again say bravo to the Houthis as they are fighting for their lives against oppression and an evil bent on genocide against innocent civilians.  Yemen deserves to be free and not controlled by nations of pure evil intent.........Honestly, when will someone finally throw a muzzle over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's big mouth?  That bitch constantly opens her trap and the most stupidest comments come out of it!  Last week for example she claimed that the  pro-life legislation passed in the state of Alabama was somehow a form of "oppression"which is so ludicrous and again shows the woman to be nothing more than a clown.  Yes, this bitch does indeed give the Kardashian stupidity a serious run for their money in terms of stupidity....... No EPL soccer for the next few months as the season is now over.  In the meantime, I have once again turned my attention to Aussie Rules Football, and the quirkiness of that "game".   I do get a kick out of the little guys that come out waving a flag when a "behind" is scored to alert the little guy standing wayyyyyy back at the other end of the insanely large oval field.   But hey, the game is exciting, and brutal when you consider the players have NO padding and are constantly hitting each other!.... And speaking of the Kardashians,  I see that skank Kim and Kanye West have finally come up with a name for their 4th child, deciding on "Psalm" of all things.   It was bad enough naming their other brats "True", or "North", but "Psalm"??  What happened to "normal" names these days?  But considering there is nothing "normal" with this entire troop of skanks and idiots, coming up with an idiotic name such as 'Psalm' goes with the territory.....More to comeNTS