“DiEM25 is something I’m really pouring my heart into and I’m learning every day.” Pamela Anderson in FT Alphaville

Pamela Anderson explains to FT Alphaville’s Jemina Kelly her enthusiasm for DiEM25: “The fact that a Greek economist, Yanis Varoufakis, and a Croatian philosopher, Srećko Horvat, are running in Germany show that these elections are not about national politics but about the future of Europe as such. I am glad to see that Europe finally has a movement with passion opposed both to the trooping rightwing populists and to the inept establishment that is leading Europe deeper into crisis, from austerity to debt economy, from shockingly low investment into green technology and infrastructure to ruining the planet by sticking to fossil fuels. Europe should be a leader in saving the Planet.”

For the complete article on FT Alphaville, click here. See also Yanis Varoufakis on “radical Europeanism”, erratic Marxism and… Pamela Anderson