Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 14th, 2019

Sunday.... And better late than never, time once again for my weekend rant..Well... What can I say?  I had so many interesting comments over the last 5 years or so asking me for my opinion on the so called 'Mandela Effect' and many of those commentators showed me their evidence that our very history was being manipulated, and in some cases for very nefarious reasons..... I had dismissed so much of the "proof" that was sent my way as being a "bit of a stretch", and was stuck with the notion that there was nothing to this "Mandela Effect" until what I saw yesterday that absolutely shocked me into the reality that the Mandela Effect is ABSOLUTELY REAL and is taking place right before our very eyes....And lets face facts here... I grew up from when I was a kid reading periodically and coming across the words spoken by US President Lincoln at the Gettysburg Address to commemorate the opening of Gettysburg national battlefield cemetery back on November 19th 1863 near Gettysburg Pennsylvania, and I remember absolutely correctly that the words were indeed "OUR FOREFATHERS".... I remember as many will about how comedies and even cartoons were made to make a joke of the term "forefathers" and how that was twisted into "Our four fathers" laughingly.... But now, there apparently has been a most diabolical and nefarious sick and twisted action that just took place in an attempt to change that REAL history and that most cherished document in US History by manipulating and changing the wording of that 271 word speech by Lincoln EVERYWHERE... Heck, I have been asking readers since yesterday to see the evidence for themselves, for everywhere online you will find all manner of 'documentation' and scripts have been changed to "Fathers" which is so terrible and actually is an insult to the original Gettysburg Address!   How Americans will now handle this "in your face" slap to their very history will be telling indeed..... And this proves beyond any shadow of any doubt anymore that the Mendala Effect is REAL and is continuing to change our very history!Well, over two weeks now into Canada's nefarious and most ludicrous "Carbon Tax" being rammed down the throats of the gullible Canadian people, and prices EVERYWHERE and on everything are suddenly going up as corporations have to basically force their customers to absorb this bullshit tax... The trickle down effect is seeing prices on goods, fuel, and especially food stuffs, skyrocket right before our very eyes.... And only now are the Canadian public grumbling as their pocket books are suddenly a lot lighter??? I have been trying my best here at this blog to get the message out to even the most stupid Canadian out there that this entire carbon tax is nothing more than a tax and a swindle by our crooked federal government, and very few people were actually listening then.... And now that this horrific tax is now in place and screwing the Canadian people, they finally take notice?   This shows the sheer complacency of the Canadian public where as the crooked governments can pull almost any stunt they want with almost zero outcry and zero defiance from the Canadian people... People have been saying that the US is so fucked up where its citizens are complacent and ignorant to the criminality of their own government, and all I can say to them is that is nothing compared to the screw job the federal government continues to pull on the Canadian people!And for the last few weeks, the crooked Canadian federal government has been working a psychological screw job on the gullible Canadian minds, by advertising via both radio and Talmudvision the LIE that Carbon Dioxide is somehow a "pollutant"!   I have been both amazed and astonished by the ignorance of the Canadian people to this screw job, for the facts are that CO2 is absolutely NOT a pollutant at all!  I will remind Canadians and other readers of this blog, that CO2 is an essential gas for the very life on this planet, as our green plants require Carbon Dioxide for their metabolic processes for their own lives.... Plants absorb CO2 readily from our atmosphere and release OUR life giving Oxygen (O2) as a result of their metabolism..... I therefore must shake my head in disgust as the crooked Canadian government willfully lies their asses off to the Canadian public as they continue to hammer out the bullshit claim that CO2 is a "pollutant"!Someone asked me WHY I have not put up any articles (Yet) about that Julian Assange and his "Wikileaks" that is claimed to have exposed a lot of nefarious activity being conducted by the criminal US government... Few seem to remember when "Wikileaks" was on everyone's minds a decade ago, that I stood firm with a lot of proof showing that  "Wikileaks" was nothing more than a pure fraud and absolutely disinformation.... At that time I showed beyond any reasonable doubt that Wikileaks and Julian Assange were out there to peddle their false information and was being used to cover for the true extent of the horrific crimes the American government was doing against humanity...And further, at the time "Wikileaks" failed to even finger the REAL perpetrators of some of the most horrendous crimes, the Jews and their cherished psychotic state of Israel.... I therefore am not surprised that the entire "Wikileaks" fraud and even that Julian Assange had run their course, and now we find Assange of course arrested and facing trial for his supposed "exposure" of crimes conducted by government... This is of course more disinformation and to me, I see it as more "fluff" to cloud the minds of so many gullible people... And in fact with the fraud of "Russiagate" now coming to an end and the chance that the Clinton crime family may finally be exposed as the real perpetrators of THAT fraud, the criminals in charge needed something once again to divert attention away from the real criminals and they simply reopened the Wikileaks/Julian Assange fiasco to divert attention once again!   The bottom line is this:  Wikileaks is absolutely nothing more than disinformation, and I am not sold on Julian Assange being as claimed..... I see a sick game here, and I have yet to find anything that shows otherwise....Of course with the US now temporarily shelving their direct and criminal action against Venezuela, they have once again turned their attention to Iran and last week's labeling by the US Government of Iran's Revolutionary Guards as a "terrorist" group.... And honestly, this is so ridiculous to start with, when everyone with critical thinking skills knows that the US and Israel run the fraud "terrorist" groups across the planet, especially with their fraud known as "ISIS"... To me, this is nothing more than another move by both the US and Israel to vilify Iran and to help to form the basis of lies that they need to somehow justify a direct conflict against that innocent nation.....  And lets face the truth here, for the Iranians are one of the nations that has actually been fighting back against US/Israeli run 'terrorism', which shows the ridiculousness of the real terrorist countries labeling their Revolutionary Guards that actually do fight terrorists, as 'terrorists' themselves..... I am indeed waiting to see what the liars in both the US and Israel will come up with next, for their goal is to continue to lie to make Iran look bad in preparation for their attack!And of course last week we had that so called "election" happening in the psycho state of Israel, and what happened there shows that the criminals that want to continue to fix elections were hard at it once again, as they absolutely "fixed" the vote to guarantee that the murderous and diabolical Khazarian Lithuanian New York failed used furniture salesman, who changed his last name from Miliekowsky to the more "Hebrew" sounding "Netanyahu" would win and guarantee another 4+ years of turmoil on Palestine.... That SOB absolutely does not deserve to be sitting in as Prime Minister, for he is indeed living evil on Earth... We must not forget about how that SOB worked with the criminal US President Donald Drumpf to criminally and illegally "annex" the Israeli occupied Golan Heights area away from the rightful owners, Syria... And we must not forget that just before that SOB was crookedly re-selected last week as Prime Minister, on how he stated that one of his orders of business within his "next term" was to ANNEX the occupied West Bank away from the Palestinian people as well.... Now that evil has once again returned to Israel, there is absolutely NO hope left for the Palestinian people other than to fight back and hard against these monsters....  AND one other note about Miliekowsky's "reelection"; Any hopes for any real peace deal with the Arabic and Palestinian people in the entire region are now dashed once again, for this psycho is hell bent on war as he continues to pursue the sickness of the so called "Greater Israel" project..I did come under a bit of attack for my calling the failure of the psychotic state of Israel to land a probe on the lunar surface a "good thing"... I will not change my stance at all, for their failure was indeed a very good thing for the entire planet, for it does poke holes in their criminal mindset that they are the "chosen ones" and that somehow they are "mentally superior" to the Gentiles.... I have always been dead set against the real racism of the psychotic Jews and their cherished "Israel" and this recent technological failure should indeed knock them down a notch or two..... So again to those naysayers, get a life and get with reality here!There is a new war going on right now, between those who know that vaccines are NOT good for you at all, and those who want to ram vaccines and their criminal crippling side effects down our throats at all cost.... To me, this is almost as bad as the bullshit "holocaust" laws that have been rammed down the throats of so many people in so many nations to prevent investigation and research into that part of our "history".... To ram vaccines onto everyone and to not allow people to choose shows definite proof that there is something terribly wrong with their so called 'vaccines' to start with.... I will state it clearly here that forced vaccination is indeed one of the Jewish criminal elite's weapons to reduce us all to mindless automatons and to make sure we are slaves in perpetuity..... People need to stand firm against this criminal "forced vaccination" agenda,  and if necessary vote out those stupid politicians that are either spearheading that agenda or are stupid enough to allow it to happen... People need the right to make informative choices on vaccines and not to have them forced down their throats....I really do hate being right when it comes to the bullshit of "Brexit"... We find last week that the criminal British government and the evil Rothschild controlled European Union have voted on an 'extension' of the so called 'delay" in getting Brexit in place... I will state it here one more time for the gullible British people that there was NO WAY IN HELL that the criminal Jewish elite behind the EU would ever let the United Kingdom escape their grasp, and all this "delay" is is pure bullshit....The criminals in the British Parliament and the EU will indeed continue to delay, delay, delay, until the British people get fed up and are propagandized into believing that there is another "vote" to leave the EU as a necessity... And of course if the British people are that gullible and accept another "vote", then that new "vote" will be fixed and the UK will be stuck at the mercy of the EU forever!The reality is that the British people need to grow some gonads and tell the criminal May government that the UK should leave the EU right now and without any more bullshit delays.... Britain would be far better off having its freedom away from the Jew controlled EU at all cost....Last week marked the 58th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin and his so called "first man in orbit" exploit by the then Soviet Union back in 1961, and I do want to correct that history here.. The fact is that Yuri Gagarin was NOT the first Soviet into Earth orbit, for that achievement lies with Vladimir Ilyushin, who actually did achieve orbit several months before Gagarin's "famous" orbit on April 12th, 1961... Ilyushin (yes, the man that the famous Russian transport plane is named after) failed to land back in the Soviet Union after his third orbit and crashed into neighbouring China.... The Chinese kept Ilyushin in a hospital for months before secretly returning him back to the Soviet Union, where he was not rightfully proclaimed as both a hero and the first man to orbit the Earth... The facts are that the Soviet Union kept lying about their long list of "space exploits" and are just as guilty as the United States in that regard.... Many may be right in stating that one of the reasons the Soviets refused to blow the whistle about the American lie called Project Apollo was for the fact that they were stuck with their own lies as well.....Well, I guess that is enough for what I have as my main statements for this rant.... Of course I have left as usual so much "on the table" to discuss and to give my two cents worth, and hopefully I will cover those right here in this week's "last minute tidbits".......I have finally seen a lot of those who gullibly put their faith into crooked and criminal Donald Drumpf realize the err of their ways, and many are finally seeing the truth that he is nothing more than a Jew butt kissing freak.  Honestly, what took them so long to finally come around to the truth about Drumpf?..........Flooding continues across the central plains in the United States, and more reports are now coming out showing that this flooding will ruin so many food crops, and people everywhere will feel the pinch soon as food prices do indeed skyrocket.  Thank goodness the US has not passed their own carbon tax, or the American public would indeed be royally fucked!............Someone again asked me last week WHY I so intensely hate the Jews, and I have told that person to simply read their most "holy" evil and racist Talmud as the major case in point.  If the Jewish people would stop being "evil" and stopped supporting "evil" then I would gladly welcome them back into the human race.  Until then, their intense crimes against humanity must be exposed for everyone to see.........Last week also marked the 107th anniversary of the sinking of the Olympia (Titanic) in the north Atlantic Ocean.  And yes, there is absolutely a lot of evidence that the ship that sank was indeed the Olympia, and that it was a set up conducted by the owners of the White Star Line in the United Kingdom to collect insurance money.  1512 passengers and crew lost their lives in what may be considered a form of "false flag"....... Economic "slowdown" is indeed a reality here in central Canada, and still none dare call it a full blown depression.  Many businesses are now definitely about to go bankrupt and Canadian financial markets are indeed heading for a major crash.   I do hope that Canadians are ready for what is coming, for all indications show that it will be horrendous!........ I just turned 59 years of age, but shhhhhh, do not tell anybody, OK?...........NASA does some interesting computer generated imagery last week of what they claim is what a "black hole" actually looks like.  But if modern Physics is true then what we are seeing is the event horizon of a black hole, since the hole itself cannot be seen.  And to me, this is nothing but fluff, for what they have shown is a computer simulation based on mathematical data collected from observations of X-rays generated from said hole. Basically nothing to see here, move along, move along.........Saw an article where apparently a German publication is slamming white people by claiming that white families are "right wing" and "dangerous".  Is this part of the agenda to vilify and destroy white people?  Absolutely!.........Libyan national army is about to liberate Tripoli and hopefully finally put an end to the criminal US/NATO scourge that has been brutalizing Libya for the last 8 years since they offed Muhammar Ghadaffi.   As I said before, the Libyan people deserve to decide their own future and to end their slavery to criminal US and EU interests.  I am crossing my fingers the Libyan national army is successful in their wish to reunite Libya...........Yellow Vests Movement in France continues into now the 22nd week of protests.  It is so amazing though that we do not hear one peep from the Jew spew media about this still ongoing protest movement, which means that they have continued to have some success.  I can guarantee that if the criminal Macron called for martial law in France and did a brutal crackdown on these peaceful protestors, we would see the Jew spew news blazoned with the falsehood of "Macron ends violent protests"!.... Egypt buys Russian Su35 fighters and the Americans and their Israeli masters are pissed.  Hey, I would take a real fighter like an Su35 any day over an American built POS F35, and all I can say is good for the Egyptians........Strangely, there has been little new news coming out of Syria, and I look at it as being a sort of "calm before the storm".  The SAA and Russians should have already launched their attacks on the Idlib pocket to end that fiasco once and for all, and the delays in that assault have been puzzling......... Universities across America are now opening their doors to transgender freaks of nature?  What in the hell ever happened to American higher learning and their standards?  It seems that real education is out the door now as the Universities have turned into cesspools of Liberal filth these days!........Not much happening these days in Yemen, other than news that the Houthis have once again had some success against the criminal Saudis and their murderous attacks.  Considering how the Saudis are truly evil and wanting to murder innocent men women and children,  I stand behind saying "Go Houthis!"........ Arsenal plays tomorrow against Watford, and if the Gunners ever want to have a chance to get into the Champions League next year, it is do or die and a victory is a must.........I see Eldrick Woods finally won the Masters Professional Golf Tournament earlier today.  Honestly, I have never been a huge "tiger" fan, due to his infamous extramarital affairs and how he fucked up his former wife and his children as a result....... And considering how fucked up all of the Kardashians are and how their "marriages" have been nothing but shams, will someone finally tell me why dumb ass Americans continue to follow the ignorance and stupidity of these skanks and trollops?  Real enquiring minds and not the paparazzi bullshit needs to know!More to comeNTS