PBC News & Comment: Lyin’ Don “Shoots Himself in the Foot”

Trump sets new record for presidential lies, and angrily cuts aid to Central American nations, ensuring more migrants move northward….--WashPost is counting the lies: 9,541 in 801 days
--our unstable idiot cuts off aid to Honduras, Guatamala and El Salvador in desperate move to stall migration, but it will only increase
--Washington welcomes NATO boss Stoltenberg this week, and protesters will demand end to NATO expansion that alarms Russia, reports Norman Solomon
--a major NATO target, Ukraine, is ready to elect a TV actor and comic president
--corporate media amplifies calls for intervention in Venezuela, invoking Russia, red lines, and fake humanitarianism
--NY Times video op-ed stars “comedian” Joanna Housmann, with no mention that her papa is Harvard economist who’s advising Guaido
--Maduro allows Red Cross to bring in aid, and rations electricity
--Trump’s “immediate withdrawal” from Syria may happen in 2020
--NY Times calls Friday’s Gaza protest “mostly calm” despite sniper deaths of 3 Palestinian youths
--The Intercept has decided to shut down its Snowden archives, after citing only about 10% of the files he leaked, reports MintPress
--listener John Le Francois asks a good question about Biden’s tease about running in 2020
--Biden goes on defense after former Nevada legislator Lucy Flores objects to Uncle Joe’s touchy-feely behavior as NY Times recaps his shifting positions on abortion rights
--TrumpCo diverts millions from Planned Parenthood to Catholic anti-abortion group
--White House whistleblower Tricia Newbold says 25 Trumpers got security clearance after being rejected
--emerging from under Trump’s limo, Betsy DeVos agrees with hes bullying boss on restoring funding to Special Olympics
--right-wing majority on Supreme Court rejects medical appeal of Missouri execution, making cruel punishment usual
--in Gage County, Nebraska, leaders are trying to avoid paying $28 million to 6 people who served prison time for wrongful convictions in murder case from 1985