The European Spring in full bloom this Monday at the Bozar Theatre, Brussels. Join us!

In the last week of May European citizens will have their last chance to vote in a European Parliament election that makes a difference. It will be a paneuropean election where we can, perhaps for the last time, oppose both faces of authoritarianism across Europe: (A) The inane authoritarianism of the business-as-usual establishment, and (B) The authoritarianism of the xenophobic Nationalist International that is reinforced by the establishment’s policy of socialism for the bankers and austerity for the many.

One paneuropean movement is opposing both faces of authoritarianism with a single comprehensive policy agenda, the NEW DEAL FOR EUROPE. It is the EUROPEAN SPRING that is fielding candidates across Europe under a single list with a single message and a single set of policy proposals to all Europeans.

  • Want to meet the candidates?

  • Want to discuss our NEW DEAL FOR EUROPE?

  • Want to inject a little progressive fun to the otherwise drab and disheartening European election process?

Join us at the Bozar Theatre on Monday 25th March at 19.00. (Book your ticket here)

Besides European Spring leaders, like Yanis Varoufakis (DiEM-MeRA25), Benoit Hamon (Generation-s), Daniela Platsch (Demokratie in Europa),  Karin Rohr Genz (Alternativet), and other candidates for the European Parliament, we will also be joined by:

Laura Alvarez (human rights lawyer)

Pamela Anderson (activist and actor)

Book your ticket here