Crisis In Venezuela: Intel Leak: Russian Intel Shows US To Depose Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro In March 2019!

I have been writing this blog for some 11 years now, and I do constantly come under fire and some criticisms for my stance in calling the Canadian and US Governments "criminals", especially in recent articles at this blog... But I will NOT change that stance for I stand for the TRUTH and I am opposed to evil no matter what shape and form it takes... And if our own governments are up to no good and are doing truly disgusting and evil criminal acts to not only their own people, but innocent people around the world, I will absolutely call them CRIMINALS!   I will not waver, and for those who claim that I am suddenly not a "patriotic Canadian", they can take their sick idea of "patriotism" and shove it up their asses!  Evil is evil, and nobody deserves 'special treatment', period, end of story...I absolutely do support the good people of Venezuela in this battle for their very nation against the evil and sinister criminals that make up the so called "cabal" of some 60 or so nations that want to see the overthrow of the popular President, Nicolas Maduro, and want to see him replaced by a made in the USA criminal puppet by the name of Juan Guaido....  I will continue to bring forward the REAL TRUTH about the situation in Venezuela and will absolutely defy the criminal Canadian government under that heinous Justin Trudeau that has been on board with the illegal overthrow of the Venezuelan government from day one...... I am doing all this for the Venezuelan people who need our support in this fight for their very future where they deserve every right to decide their own destiny, especially one that does not include enslavement to criminal interests.....I came across the following video just the other day, and it is an absolute must see by everyone... For this video has Russian Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Maria Zhakarova, standing at a podium and announcing to the world that Russian intelligence is showing evidence that the US does indeed plan the overthrow of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro as soon as the beginning of this March... She also lays out the facts and how the US will indeed foment that overthrow!   Here is that important video,and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: Honestly, bravo to the Russians for seeing exactly what is going on in Venezuela, and standing up for the rights of the Venezuelan people.This is a most important video, and I do recommend that others take it and paste it up at their own websites and blogs to spread the news and let everyone know how the Russians see the US backed overthrow of a peaceful government in Venezuela actually take place...And it is amazing how Russian intelligence sees the US using weapons that are sourced from an "eastern European country" as being the weapon of choice for the impending civil war in Venezuela.  They need not directly state that it is the US puppet nation of Ukraine being the ones to manufacture and supply these weapons, but it should be obvious to everyone...Yes, the heinous and diabolical government in the United States is absolutely hell bent now in getting Maduro out of office and having their criminal puppet, Juan Guaido, take his place..... And honestly if they are successful, then the Venezuelan nation will fall into criminal US hands where the wealth of the Venezuelan people will be handed over to the US along with Venezuela's vast mineral and petroleum wealth.... It could spell the beginning of a dark ages in Venezuela along the same line as what has happened in Ukraine since the sinister US puppet regime in Kiev seized power back in 2014.... Despair and destitution will be the rule of the day for the Venezuelan people if the US does succeed...I will continue to stand with the people of Venezuela in this fight against evil, as should anyone with a good conscience and understanding that illegal 'regime change' must be halted and immediately...  Evil is evil, even if it involves our own crooked governments!More to comeNTS