UN Migration Pact Is Jewish Globalist Insanity - The Terrible Truth About The UN Migration "Compact" Agreement

I have been attacking Canada's present "migration" policies for years now... I have said and I stand firmly behind my statements that this nation does NOT need any of the sewer rats that have been presently flooding across our southern border from the United States, for the simple fact that that vast majority of those illegal "migrants" have NO future in Canada at all.. The majority can NOT possibly in any shape or form become part of Canadian society as they themselves are incapable of ever joining said society... The majority of these sewer rats are uneducated, mostly illiterate, and can not function in our society..... I have said that the best thing for the Canadian federal government to do is to detain these rats and send them all packing back to the shit holes they originated from...I sadly have been proven absolutely right about what has been happening to the tens of thousands of these sewer rat migrants that have come into Canada.... The vast majority have been unable to blend in Canadian society and in fact almost ALL of them have been turned into welfare cases that have been collecting Canadian welfare benefits at the cost of Canadian taxpayers... They have been on the government "dole" and have brought into this nation their "standards of living" where many are unclean and have the poorest hygiene possible.. It is also a fact that many of them have crossed Canada's border carrying a vast range of new diseases that were previously unheard of in this nation!I blame the Justin Trudeau regime for this mess as he himself has now become the worse Prime Minister in Canadian history and is unwilling to stop the flow and send the rats packing.... And apparently much of this present policy by idiot Justin and by the criminals in the Trudeau regime stems from Canada signing onto a recent UN "agreement" on "migration" called the UN Migration Compact Agreement!I first became aware of the UN Migration Compact Agreement about a month ago, and when I recently approached several people while out and about over the last few weeks, I had this wild eyed look in their eyes as they said they have never even heard of this 'agreement'.... And when I checked into the local "news" and other Canadian Jew spew media sources, there have been ZERO reports anywhere about this UN agreement that was actually signed off earlier this month in Morocco.... But after reading some of the terms of this agreement online, I can see why the Canadian people are being kept in the dark, for if Canadians actually knew the real truth behind this insidious "agreement", they would be up in arms....I first want to present here a link to a report about the UN "Compact Agreement" on Migration here for everyone to get up to speed on what the terms of this "agreement" are all about:https://refugeesmigrants.un.org/migration-compactOK, I honestly want to cut to the chase here and spell out the real TRUTH about this insidious and diabolical "agreement"... And to tell the truth about what the 'terms' of this diabolical "agreement" is all about, I want to present the following video by Stefan Molyneux that gets down to the nitty gritty about this "compact" for everyone to see for themselves... Here is that video, and I have further thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: THIS UN "compact" agreement is in my own assessment one of the most diabolical and ruthless piece of "legislation" that the UN has passed in some time... And it again is part of the Jewish global agenda of destroying nations by allowing every conceivable piece of shit sewer rat flooding into nations and destroying our societies...I have found the "terms" of this "agreement" to be so disgusting, especially the parts that allow the scum of the earth to go almost everywhere they want and to be allowed to basically bleed our societies to death... I honestly cannot understand how any nation with any common sense would ever sign off on this 'agreement', and yet the vast majority of our countries have!   And sadly, here we have Canada's own criminal moron, Justin Trudeau, going out of his way to agree to every single term of this agreement almost to the letter...It is also no wonder the general public is unaware of this horrific piece of filth, for if people knew the reality of what this 'compact' entails, there would definitely be hell to pay..Spread the word, everyone, for the Jewish Rothschild controlled United Nations wants this agreement rammed down everyones' throats as part of their agenda of destroying societies for their long planned "new world order"... People must be made aware of what is happening here and stop this evil in its tracks..More to comeNTS