Important Health News: BLOCKBUSTER - Italy Sacked Its Entire Vaccine "Advisory Board" And Quickly Discovered Vaccines Are NOT As They Claim To Be!

I have been saying for years now that vaccines and vaccinations are NOT for the betterment of society... I have stated with article after article here at this blog that vaccines do NOT work, period, and are actually being used to fry the minds of people and destroy our next generation of youth... I have been under fire from some readers who have called me a "nut" and claiming that I "do not know what I am talking about", and I have said to those naysayers to come up with their PROOF that vaccines actually do work and to look at the evidence of how they do horrific destruction to our bodies... Of course these naysayers have NOTHING to show, and I therefore stand firm on my statements that everyone must avoid these poisons at all cost..Now, I want to bring forward a most interesting and blockbuster report that comes courtesy of Jim Stone's website, at Apparently according to the following article the Italian government has just fired their entire "vaccine advisory board" after evidence has come out that clearly shows that the so called 'vaccines' that were being injected into Italian children contained NONE of the necessary ingredients to actually fight the diseases they were designed for!  This is a most important article, and I have it right here for all to see for themselves... I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:BLOCKBUSTER: ITALY SACKED IT'S ENTIRE VACCINE ADVISORY BOARD


Obviously the vaccines are not for the stated purpose. And if you want an example of snake speak, look at this report by Newsweek:

"The vaccine-skeptic Italian government has sacked every member of the country's health advisory board, raising fears that the populist administration will sideline accepted science and inflict long-lasting damage on public health.Health minister Giulia Grillo removed all 30 members of the Higher Health Council Monday, arguing it is time to "give space to the new, " The Guardian reported.The council is the country's most prominent body of technical-scientific experts, who advise the government on health policy."This Newsweek report never mentions that in the VERY SHORT time after real people who were not eugenics plants and sell outs got put on Italy's top advisory board, tests have already been run on the childhood vaccine - Infanrix Hexa that is supposed to contain the following antigens: tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis toxoids; inactivated poliomyelitis viral strains 1-2-3; and hepatitis B surface antigen AND FOUND NONE of these antigens in the vaccine, meaning, that NO antibodies for anything advertised on the label will be created. So what does the "vaccine" really do? Short answer:

You can't have what is on the label get in the way of a social engineering vaccine that specifically reduces intelligence and makes a drone, and often induces autism as a side effect, so it is best to just leave it out!


Let's dissect the slithering snake speak in that Newsweek report:

"The vaccine-skeptic Italian government has sacked every member of the country's health advisory board, raising fears that the populist administration will sideline accepted science and inflict long-lasting damage on public health."Ok, so an entire government has no credibility because it is "vaccine skeptic", cannot handle "accepted science" and is perfectly happy to inflict "long lasting damage on public health" with the sub tone being they are ignorant. Italy knows all about cars, advanced motorcycles and light aircraft engines, good food, is the home of the Vatican and is an indisputable first world country, but they are too stupid to test a vaccine and figure out what is in it. YEP. In reality, I think Italy out-classes the staff at Newsweek by a fair margin.WEAK NEWS has the audacity to claim Italy can't handle accepted science, when Italy used science itself to prove the vaccines really were pure child sabotage that did nothing claimed, as parents everywhere have suspected all along. Use the wording Newsweek presented here as an example, when you see that kind of language you are being lied to by those who want everything about you wiped out.

Here's the real news not so "weak:"

Italy sacked it's vaccine scammers, and put in their place 100 percent new people who are not part of the global conspiracy to destroy people with vaccines, and then subsequently and practically immediately discovered that the vaccines have absolutely nothing they are advertised for, which begs the question: What the hell is really in those shots?

Vaccine advocacy group Corvelva, which is not compromised, spearheaded Italy's investigation into the vaccine scam

The Eugenicists are up in arms over Corvelva, a vaccine advocacy group appointed by the Italian government to investigate the vaccines which has now received over $50, 000 in funding to test all the vaccines and see if they are scams. And more, the Eugenicists are upset about WHERE the funding is coming from - top Italian medical science teams are funding Corvelva's efforts, unlike what this Sott article implies in it's headline and subsequently tries to state by claiming "scientists" are questioning the Italian government's actions that the Italian government is off it's rocker. That's not what the headline should be. Here is what the headline should be:FIVE NWO approved science scammers are protesting a vaccine safety investigation being conducted by Italy's real top scientists who are rapidly and easily uncovering the truth about what the current childhood vaccines really are, and that they are not vaccines at all, they are something else entirely.As it turns out, all it takes to find out what is really in the vaccines is to break rank, seize a sample of what is being injected into the children, put it in a real lab that is not compromised by kikes, and VOILA!!! suddenly it is known that the vaccines are not at all what they are claimed to be. You can't do that in the United States. No parent is allowed to walk out the door with a shot that has not been injected into their kids, take it to a lab, and test it. This is NOT ALLOWED. WHY? Italy just got the answer.The MSM is holding this topic by the gills at arm's length like a diseased fish because of what Corvelva has found - that the vaccines really don't have anything they are advertised for and are instead full on scams.You can't find a legitimate MSM report on this topic. Instead, the reports are all slander, calling Italians stupid, backwards, "conspiratorial", against "established science" and anything else they can muster, and they HAVE TO because the vaccine eugenics programs are one of their greatest treasures, with carefully placed totally compromised despicable hateful and soulless people in all key positions to keep a lid on the scam and allow the destruction of our children proceed without a hitch. Italy just blew the lid off the vaccine scam, and this one is not going away folks, Italy is NOT ZIMBABWE, they are clearly a first world country that can speak with authority. So the MSM is now trying to slander Italy because Italy uncovered one of kikedom's NWO eugenics plots.As if we did not all know the vaccines were wrecking our kids all along, - Gee, one in 35 kids now gets autism and "nobody can figure out why??" They know damn well at Newsweek, Sott and more. The entire shadow government KNOWS IT and now that Italy broke free of their grasp they are trying to bury it. Instead, they ought to just put a fork in it. THANKS ITALY for finally putting it in print from an official level. We knew it all along, but it is nice to get real confirmation from the top ranks of a first world government.NTS Notes: I do feel so vindicated by these findings..... And I do applaud Jim's findings and I do agree with his interpretation of these findings... These vaccines were indeed being used to fry the minds of the poor children that had them injected into their bodies....Well, there it is, readers.... The proof that our criminal governments are in bed with the dastardly criminals behind the entire vaccine scam in wanting to destroy our lives by using these deadly vaccines as a weapon to turn us all into mindless drones... It is no wonder that the cases of Autism and other horrific brain diseases are on the rapid rise, thanks to these deadly concoctions..And I do agree with Jim on the fact that this type of action by the Italian government to try to stop these vaccine bastards in their tracks may never be repeated in North America... Big Pharma is working with our crooked governments and the criminal Jewish elite in trying to ram these chemicals into our children's bodies at a near record pace to destroy their lives and basically destroy our next generation of adults by making them all Autistic and/or brain dead.... Honestly, what will it take for people to finally wake the fuck up and demand that vaccinations be stopped immediately???One other note... I have never liked "Newsweek" for all I see is a propaganda piece of rubbish that is not worth its weight as toilet paper...More to comeNTS