Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

“Fingerprints of internal drivers of Arctic sea ice loss in observations and model simulations” [link]
Conflicting Measurements Reduce Uncertainty in Climate Science [link]
California’s new earthquake warnings deliver critical seconds of notice [link]
Why are land-use change emissions so complex? Forests have direct (eg, deforestation), indirect (eg, CO₂ fertilisation), & natural effects (eg, storms). Policy  & science  treat these differently!  [link 
A 900-year New England temperature reconstruction from in situ seasonally produced branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers  [link …
Reassessing the Role of the Indo‐Pacific in the Ocean’s Global Overturning Circulation [link] 
The importance of unresolved biases in 20th century sea-surface temperature observations  [link]
Deep floats reveal complex ocean circulation patterns [link]
Review: Snow–atmosphere coupling in the Northern Hemisphere [link] 
Simple model for past periods of rapid sea level rise [link …
Climate‐Driven Change in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans Can Greatly Reduce the Circulation of the North Sea  [link] 
Last century warming over the Canadian Atlantic shelves linked to weak Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation [link]
Climate trends have been “peculiarly pleasant” for US maize. Farmers are changing mgmt to take advantage of the longer growing season, while high temps have been suppressed from elevated crop water use [link
Cascading transitions in the climate system [link]
Probabilistic reasoning about measurements of equilibrium climate sensitivity: combining disparate lines of evidence (open access) [link]
Mechanisms for and predictability of a drastic reduction in the Arctic sea ice: [link]
The Medieval Climate Anomaly in South America. MCA warming in South America and the NH appears to have occurred largely synchronous, [link] …
Lively debate on ‘Emergent Constraints on Climate Sensitivity’ in today’s issue of Nature. Ostensibly variability-based constraints actually reflect a forced signal: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0640-y … . Author’s reply: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0641-x …
“all the indicators point to real problems with insect and invertebrates in decline across the world.” [link] …
“Our findings confirm the importance of the deep Southern Ocean in ice-age CO2 change, and show that deep-ocean CO2 release can occur as a dynamic feedback to rapid climate change on centennial timescales.” [link …
I can’t recommend enough the paper by Tapiador et al. (2019) —  … … — Succinct review of outstanding issues and assumptions in current cloud microphysics parameterizations [link]
Current CaCO3 dissolution at the seafloor caused by anthropogenic CO2  [link] …
Models suggest injection of #sulfateaerosols into the stratosphere could have unintended consequences [link]
In some groundbreaking CESM-WACCM geoengineering simulations, stabilizing surface temp interestingly fails to accompany stability in either Earth’s energy imbalance or polar ocean temps. [link]
New review paper on snow-atmosphere coupling [link]
Mapping Sea-Level Change in Time, Space, and Probability [link …
“models show that completely deforesting the tropics could result in global warming equivalent to that caused by burning of fossil fuels since 1850” [link]
Comparison of the Fast and Slow Climate Response to Three Radiation Management Geoengineering Schemes [link] 
Snow cover is a neglected driver of Arctic biodiversity loss [link] 
Predictability of Extreme Precipitation in Western U.S. Watersheds Based on Atmospheric River Occurrence, Intensity, and Duration [link]
Temporal trends in absolute and relative extreme temperature events across North America [link] 
Social science and policy
Bjorn Lomborg: UN climate officials admit ‘Paris agreement will leave 99% of the problem unsolved’ at ‘a very, very high cost’ [link]
MIdterm election results: outlook for science [link]
Soil and Seaweed: Farming Our Way to a Climate Solution: We can sequester carbon and improve our nutrition through #regenerative farming of land and sea [link]
India is cancelling coal plants because they are uneconomical compared with renewables [link]
Jordan Peterson Says Global Warming Hype Is ‘Low-Resolution Thinking’ [link 
ames Huffman, professor and dean emeritus at Lewis & Clark Law School, writes about how climate change lawsuits can actually undermine the rule of law. [link]
Our new paper revealing how subglacial rock landforms at ice sheet grounding zones lead to >100km ice shelf channels, adding to ice-sheet vulnerability. Processes operating millions of years ago have an influence now and in future. [link] …
Increases in food costs and ozone emissions aren’t the only negative consequences of corn #ethanol production: prairies and other wild-lands are disappearing, soil is eroding, groundwater is being depleted and ocean dead zones are expanding [link]
About science and scientists
20 things I wish I’d known when I started my PhD [link]
Academia is a cult [link]
The Guru Effect: Intellectual gurus write impenetrable, jargon-ridden prose; readers mistake lack of clarity for profundity. [link] …
The importance of stupidity in scientific research!  It contains some excellent advice on how to handle – and even learn to love – the feeling of being constantly immersed in the unknown. [link] …
Sarah Lawrence professor Samuel Abrams wrote an op-ed about leftist bias. Critics vandalized his office door. Students want him fired. And he says the administration is pressuring him to shut up. [link]
In peer review we (don’t) trust: How peer review’s filtering poses a systemic risk to science [link]
Flawed consensus gets in the way of innovative Alzheimer’s research [link]
