Michael Herzog's American Awakening Podcast: What's The Solution To A Bolshevik Revolution?

It has been a while... Michael Herzog has had some 'technical issues' with his American Awakening twice a week podcasts over at www.theamericanawkening.org... BUT luckily those issues have now been sorted out, and yesterday he finally was able to do his usual two hour podcast and a continuing of his report on REAL history...I do in fact want to present that podcast here for everyone to listen for themselves... The podcast is entitled: "What's The Solution To A Bolshevik Revolution" and I do have my own thoughts and comments on this podcast to follow:Listen to "What's the solution to a Bolshevik Revolution?" on Spreaker.NTS Notes: What Michael presents in this podcast about the REAL truths about the second world war are fact and not fiction... I have covered a lot of those facts in many articles here at this blog as well...Michael brought forward some facts about Germany's war against the Soviet Union, and especially the FACT that the Soviets under that murderous freak of nature, Josef Stalin, were absolutely about to launch an invasion of western Europe, code named "Operation Thunderstorm" on July 5th, 1941... Adolf Hitler knew this attack was coming, thanks to his massive spy operations that were watching and alerting Germany to the massive build up of offensive forces along the Soviet frontier from late 1940 through to the summer of 1941... Hitler's Operation Barbarossa was launched as a "pre-emptive strike" to catch the Soviet build up off guard as they moved their offensive forces forward in preparation for their own attack... Operation Barbarossa, which was launched on June 22nd, 1941, was ABSOLUTELY to save Europe from a communist take over in 1941!  You will never find that fact anywhere in our so called 'history books" and I am glad that I and of course Michael Herzog, have been able to bring that vital information forward....The truth must be told...It is also a fact that the psychotic Jews absolutely did demand their puppets in both the US and the UK to launch that air attack against Dresden in early 1945, and the goal was absolutely to slaughter the German refugees that were huddled together in that German city... It was an absolute act of immoral genocide that killed, from the data I have collected over the years, some 500,000+ refugees and innocent German civilians!   To this day, there has been no justice to these victims and the survivors of this REAL holocaust.I will of course bring many more of these podcasts forward at this blog when they become available.... I strongly recommend readers to take the time and go over the archives at "The American Awakening" for themselves, for it is well worth the effort.....More to comeNTS