Israel Did 9-11: Reflections On That Attack On America 17 Years Later

Israel absolutely did the attacks of September 11th, 2001.... That is FACT and has been backed up with an enormous amount of material put up by those who are not fooled by the lies and false rhetoric pushed by the liars in the Jew spew media and our compliant crooked governments... It is astounding that to this day, now on the 17th anniversary of that fateful day, that so many fools and idiots out there are still believing in the so called "official story" and have been blindly and stupidly believing that we are in a never ending war against "terrorism" when the REAL terrorists are of course the same perpetrators that carried out the 9-11 attacks!I have already put up a multitude of reports here at this blog, including the important "Israel Did 9-11; All The Proof In The World" from some years back... Here in fact is the link to that report for everyone to look at once again just in case they still are stuck on the "official story" bull crap: report from 2010 was one of my best at exposing the truth about how the Israelis did the 9-11 attacks... It was also proven that these monsters had the help of not only their "Sayanim" agents that have been nothing but TRAITORS to the United States, but they also had the help of so many crooked and evil government officials within that government itself to carry out that assault...Yes, it is now 17 years since that attack.... And it has continued to be a "learning curve" even for myself in putting together all of the pieces of what exactly happened that morning, and how they pulled off this attack that killed some 3000+ innocent people...I do want to share my own personal experience with everyone as to exactly what I was doing the morning of September 11th, 2001, and how I became a skeptic of the "official story" within the first few hours after I became fully aware of what was happening that fateful morning...On the morning of September 11th, 2001, I was in my office doing some paper work when a colleague came through the door and said "Hey Brian, come and look at what is happening in New York City... A jet airliner just hit the World Trade Center".... I quickly got out of my desk and went to watch on the television in the lunch room the reports that were just coming over CTV news network with their "breaking news"..... We all watched in awe the reports and the video of the first plane hitting one of the twin towers....Shortly after that news was being broadcast across that news network, came the report of a SECOND airliner hitting the other WTC tower.....I was the same as everyone in watching in disbelief and shock.... The news reporters on the scene were all screaming as loudly as the citizens on the streets and everyone was panicking..... It was the perfect storm for the media as they brought in their so called "experts" to come out and call it a "terrorist" attack and begin the process of brainwashing the general public through a bunch of false propaganda....It was several hours after the initial attack, and the subsequent collapse of the towers, that I heard the reports that some cell phone calls were sent out from the aircraft where supposedly some passengers and especially the plane crews were able to send out messages that the aircraft had been hijacked.... This caused me to stop for that moment and go "wait a minute"... For I knew that NO plane in 2001 had the technology for cell phone calls from any aircraft above 15000 ft altitude due to the nature of cellular towers and how their range was limited to under about 10000ft altitude for proper cellular phone calls and signalling unless those aircraft had onboard cellular transceivers, which from day one I believed that they did not (In subsequent months, I did further research and found that, yes I was right for these aircraft absolutely did not!)......After that point, I became an instant skeptic of these official stories and realized that something was terribly wrong here..... I had to ask myself; How and WHY in the hell was the US Government and the media lying?....It also troubled me that the media talking heads on the television were reporting within hours that it was "Al Qaeda" and "Osama bin Laden" that were responsible for this attack...Being the skeptic that I am, I asked myself "how did they know that it was that particular group and that certain individual so quickly?"... That also sent up red flags and warning bells in my head that everything was wrong here.....Of course in subsequent months after that attack, I was able to gather up enough information from the alternative media that everything that we were told about this atrocity was all wrong.... BUT I initially thought that the US Government itself was responsible, and only through further research did I quickly discover that the Israeli Mossad had its finger prints all over this attack... What sold me on the fact that Israel absolutely did this act of genocide against America was of course the "5 dancing Israelis" and how these criminals were indeed 'filming the event' and were caught in vans laden with explosives after the attack apparently heading towards the Holland Tunnel and the George Washington bridge to possibly blow up those transportation portals as well..... OK, So there you have it.. My personal journey towards skepticism and searching for the truth about this attack on America began with the use of logic and knowing through science that we were being lied to from the start.... The really sad part about the September 11th attack is how now, some 17  years later, real justice has not been served... It does show how badly the Jewish elite does control America and how the American nation is being used as a pawn for criminal Jewish and Israeli interests... I do hope for the day when Americans finally do wake the fuck up and turn on these pricks and use what ever form of justice necessary to have the criminal state of Israel answer for their act of mass murder..More to comeNTS