PBC News & Comment: Catching Up on Lotsa News!

Trump blasts Google and Facebook for alleged bias toward conservatives, but its lefty media being censored most, FireEye likely influencer….--Trump’s tirade woke allies at Facebook
--FireEye seems to be central player in “fake news” purges
--Norman Solomon declares victory in DNC change on superdelegates
--but “Peoples Party” has a more critical view
--DNC co-chair Keith Ellison’s former girlfriend accuses him of “narcissist abuse”
--our Narcissist-in-chief fired his White House counsel in a tweet, producing another Trump admission that could backfire
--tape of Cohen-Trump conversation about National Enquirer was related to decades of Trump dirt the tabloid had collected, but not published
--quoting Trump’s line that media are “enemy of the people”, California man is arrested for threats to Boston Globe
--after prolonged silence on Russiagate, Glenn Greenwald hammers CNN for failing to retract false claim that Michael Cohen had evidence of Trump prior knowledge
--at ConsortiumNews, Gareth Porter exposes hyped claims from DHS of Russian hacking of election sites
--VIPS open memo supports Trump’s cancellation of John Brennan’s security clearance
--Cynthia Nixon hit Gov. Andrew Cuomo pretty hard in debate last night
--Cuomo signed law to set up commission to investigate bad prosecutors, with reservations
--top judge at Guantanamo retires, leaving the legal mess in deeper disarray
--Pope Francis faces serious charge from the far right of Cathollic church over alleged prior knowledge of Cardinal McCarrick’s crimes
--Abigail Spanberger, former CIA spy running for Congress, gets apology for leak of her personal files by Postal Service