Important Video: Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids

In my daily interaction with people, I have noticed how so many have fallen victim to the bullshit "Liberalism" and other ideas that have stifled their abilities to either speak their own minds or to stand up for what is truly right... I for one have been sick and tired of this modern idea of "Gender politics" and giving rights to those that in previous years would have been kept on the fringes of society.... I find it appalling that we see so many now identify by their gender or race rather than their abilities, especially in the working environment....It is also sickening to see how free speech is now being serious curtailed in this nation as everyone is now fearful that anything that they say or do can be misinterpreted as being "offensive" to some liberal minded bullshit group..... That is why I have been using this blog at times as an outlet to say "Fuck that" and to speak my own mind...I came across the following wonderful video that is narrated by a gentleman named Jordan Peterson that I want to share with my own readers... This one is entitled: "Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids" and I must say is a must see by everyone... I have it right here in its entirety and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  I will lay it out clearly.... This fall in our society is absolutely laid out in the criminal Jewish blueprint for their long planned world domination, their insidious "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion".... I again ask that many people take the time to take a look at the Protocols and you will see this as fact and an absolute eye opener....I would say that the goal of these monsters is to stifle free speech and to screw everyone up so badly that our entire western based society is in total disarray and ripe for destruction....I have been able to count myself lucky in that my own son is a very logical person that has not fallen prey to this fraud of "liberalism".... He speaks his mind and he too has found that his peers around him have fallen prey to this bullshit... To him, he basically calls them "nuts" and does not spend any time with them unless by necessity...I will also state that this destruction of our society can be stopped... But only if enough people finally stand up for what is really right and to say to everyone and especially those fringe elements of stupidity that "enough is enough"..... And it must be stopped for the goal is of course the enslavement of our society and loss of real freedoms...Share this video with everyone if you can... For according to the comments in this Youtube video, the criminals involved are trying to remove Jordan Peterson's and other's works from the internet...More to comeNTS*Please note.. There are many naysayers that do not like Jordan Peterson, and I too look at him as being suspect... But this video touches on many key issues that are affecting our youth today, and those who know the truth know that the Jewish pricks are the ones driving this agenda....I have no qualms with putting up some work by those who may be deemed suspect in their writings, for at times even these liars have to put out some truth.....  And that truth is what we should focus on, instead of the messengers...