Another Reason To HATE Facebook - Mossad Agent Zuckerberg Set Up Fraudulent Scheme To Weaponize Data Collected From Sucker Users!

Once again, I received some comments and a few emails over the last while asking me to get a "Facebook" and/or a "Twitter" account just to reach more people with the messages that I convey in my writings here.... I have told each and every single one of these people that I will NEVER EVER have either a "Facebook" or even a "Twitter" account for those "social media" platforms are nothing but pure frauds and have been used to collect data on suckers that "use" these platforms against them!  I stand behind that assertion, and I have been absolutely imploring people for years now to close their "Facebook" and "Twitter" accounts immediately.Well, once again I came across some most interesting information today that shows once again how Facebook and its Israeli Mossad Agent creator "Mark Zuckerberg" are using this 'social media' platform to destroy its users... For according to the following report, from the Guardian online news service at, new court evidence has come forward that states that Zuckerberg set up fraudulent scheme to "weaponize" the data collected to destroy its users..... Here is the link to that article and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: WHY am I not in the least bit surprised by this shocking new report?  I have stated for years now that only FOOLS AND IDIOTS would ever allow their personal data to be sent over these fraudulent "social media" platforms, and now we find evidence that Mossad agent Zuckerberg was indeed using that data as a weapon against said users!Lets face reality here.... The criminal Israelis tried for decades throughout the 1980's and 1990's to develop a software program to be used to collect data on everyone and to store that data to eventually be used against everyone....But they failed in their initial attempts until lo and behold, but here comes Mark Zuckerberg in the early 2000's with a scheme of using the software in the form of a fraud "social media" network where they would sucker gullible and stupid people to give away their personal data and information for FREE...... YES, there indeed are suckers born every minute, and we see them in spades in regards to their "Facebook" pages and profiles....My advise still stands as it has now for years... If you actually do have one of these "social media" programs and profiles, close them immediately and do not give these criminals ANY personal information about yourselves, period.... Our very privacy is essential for our livelihoods and we should never give that information away under the illusion of "making friends" and "sharing information"....And to those who want to see me on either Facebook or Twitter... No way in hell.... I know better...More to comeNTS