Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahJudging from tonight's meme, it looks like Paul Ryan finally got a job at the White House, just not the one he had his bloated ego set on. Ryan will be running away from his House Speaker job; actually driven away by the harsh reality that he was, in no way, mentally equipped or spiritually inclined to do what the job is supposed to be. Instead, he threw his weight behind the forces of chaos and human misery; attacking Americans with every trick at his disposal, from an unfair, nihilistic, greedy overhaul of our tax code to his tacit backing of the not so secret love of his life, Donald Trump.Paul "Crazy Eyes" Ryan should go down in history as the House Speaker who looked the specter of possible treason in the eye and shrugged. Paul Ryan said nothing about his false idol and did even less. The results of such a glaring lack of character and the manifestations of his lack of patriotism are not yet fully realized, but they should be nailed to his forehead for all eternity. Those who had the power to do something right and chose, on their best days, to do nothing at all, are bad enough. Ryan's treachery is well beyond that.Another very important thing to note about Ryan's so-called "service" to his nation (really just himself and his benefactors) is that he will remain in power until next January. Who knows what his plans are after that? It's unlikely that he will just give up and disappear. Until January, he will not be satisfied with having placed the health of his fellow citizens in grave jeopardy. He will attempt to do even more damage to the health of us as individuals and us as a country. Ryan has never worked on behalf of his professed country. His deficit-exploding tax scam is already showing its planned signs of crippling the financial well-being of the country and he has made it clear that he intends to use the forces that he and his partner in the oval office unleashed to strip Americans of the health, security, and dignity of the American Dream while fattening his own bank accounts with cash from vermin like the Koch brothers. Ryan mocks Americans by saying that such things as health, security, and dignity are "entitlements" that we don't deserve, even if they are not entitlements but things we worked and paid for. He is a thief in every sense of the word.