Important Date To Remember: 15 Years Ago, Rachel Corrie Was Murdered By The Monsters In Israel!

Yes, it has been a long time now... 15 years to be precise.... Today marks the 15th anniversary of that fateful day when a brave young woman by the name of Rachel Corrie stood defiant in front of an armoured Israeli bulldozer trying to stop the demolition of a Palestinian doctor's house, only to be crushed by the psychotic Israeli driver of that bullzozer... Rachel never survived that act of cold blooded murder and to this day the monsters in Israel call this an "accident" or "Rachel's own fault"!To honor the memory of Rachel Corrie, I want to present the following article from the Desert Peace website, at, that is entitled: "Remembering Rachel Corrie" for everyone to view for themselves... I of course do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:


March 16, 2018 at 12:03 (ActivismIn MemoriamIsrael's ShameRachel CorrieMarch 16 marks 15 years since Rachel Corrie was killed. She died putting her body between a bulldozer and a home she was trying to protect in Gaza. She has inspired so many and we salute her and those who carry on her legacy.*NTS Notes:  It is astounding that 15 years now after this act of murder that the US government has done absolutely NOTHING to investigate and charge the psychos in the IDF for what they did to Rachel... Such is the diabolical and insane control that the criminal Jews do have on the US nation!Every year now for the last 10 I have honored the memory of Rachel by posting an article on the anniversary of her murder..... I will continue to do so, for the world must always be told about this injustice that proves how truly evil these monsters are....When the day finally arrives that all of Palestine is free from that Jewish Israeli scourge that has been illegally and systematically destroying that nation, I truly want to see the Palestinian people put up a proper memorial for this brave young woman for all to see ..... That day cannot come soon enough...More to comeNTS