It's not "mad" to question the hidden power of the global elite

The Guardian had an interesting oped- I can take a pass on most of it.Here's the basic concept: Julian Baggini is a British philosopher

"Questioning the hidden power of elites – whether big pharma or secret societies – is really quite sane"

Of course it's sane. That's why you and I are here. But questioning alone doesn't go far enough.Accepting this reality and then making appropriate changes is key

"The wrong moral to draw from this would be that anyone who sees hidden power being influenced is crazy. Rather, we should see the Hellyers of this world as the price we pay for being willing to question the manifest order and to expose the secretive interest groups who seek to manipulate the world for their own benefit.

When we dig for the truth, we flirt with madness. But in a world where hidden power is all too real, it’s the only sane thing to do."

I don't think digging for truth is flirting with madness-I do think digging for truth is living in reality, being sane and can be empowering.  Anything else is just mass delusion.