PBC News & Comment: Chelsea Manning Will Challenge Maryland Sen. Cardin

Whistleblower Chelsea Manning will run for Senate, challenging old, straight, white male Ben Cardin, and centrist Dems launch Russian smears…..--LGBTQ icon Rachel Maddow ignores the news, and Glenn Greenwald and Norman Solomon offer different angles of comment
--CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling released from prison
--with government shutdown looming, this will be a week of bluffing and brinksmanship
--conservaDems join GOP in effort to rollback Dodd-Frank rules on banks, paving the way for a future meltdown
--like Trump on healthcare, DNC chair Tom Perez admits that uniting Democrats isn’t easy
--just a few days after Hawaii’s false alarm, Japanese broadcaster sends text alerts warning of missile attack
--Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard schools George Stephanopolous on the reasons why North Korea wants nuclear weapons, Caitlin Johnston amplifies
--after postponing war games with South Korea, US adds more military assets to the region
--big-screen documentary The Final Year offers puffball insider view of Obama’s foreign policy team of Rhodes, Power, Kerry and Rice, not worth seeing
--Mueller probe uses grand jury subpoena on Steve Bannon
--Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal slimes Rupert’s ex-wife as spy for China
--as oil glut recedes, crude prices rise, and that’s good news for Venezuela, Russia and US environmentalists
--Trump plan to continue support for Kurdish fighters in Syria and Iraq draws angry response from Turkey
--S. F. Chronicle revisits the role of former Dem Rep. Jane Harman in blocking disclosure of illegal surveillance, forgets to mention how she was wiretapped
--Perris, California is scene of home-school, home-prison for 13, including 5 kids
--actor Aziz Ansari is exposed by one-time date, and feminists criticize the complainant