Media Black-Out on Arab Journalists and Civilians Beheaded in Syria by Western-Backed Terrorists

Resharing my article of 2014 with this sad news that another Syrian journalist has been murdered.
Damascus Now reports […]:
“A martyr of media.
Karam Kbeishou a cameraman who used to work for Sama TV died today due to an attack by the US backed Jihadists on the TV team workers while reporting the truth.”

In Gaza

Yara Abbas: Sharmine Narwani’s moving article on the young Syrian journalist.

Oct 26, 2014, Eva Bartlett, Zero Anthropology [republished at Global Research, Information Clearing House,, Uprooted Palestinians,  translated into Portuguese]

Who outside of Syria knows the names Yara Abbas, Maya Naser, Mohamed al-Saeed…? The corporate media has inundated us with news of the two American journalists allegedly beheaded, the first of whose execution video has been deemed faked. But what of the non-Western journalists and civilians beheaded and murdered by ISIS, al-Nusra, and associated terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, as well as the ruthless Zionists in Palestine?

Why didn’t the August 2012 execution (which some reported as a beheading) of TV presenter Mohamed al-Saeed, claimed by the Nusra gang, create the same outrage? Or the December 2013 kidnapping and point blank execution in Idlib by ISIS of Iraqi journalist Yasser al-Jumaili?

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