The Bullshit Of Political Correctness Reaches A New Level Of Stupidity: British Girl Guides To Allow Boys Who Identify As Female To Shower With Girls (!)

I get periodic emails and comments from time to time where people say: "Hey, NTS, Take a look at this?" and of course many do ask me to post up the material that they come across at this blog from time to time... I figure that I would oblige one person who emailed the following information with an article to cover what he had found..OK, In last weekend's rant, I went on a tirade about the bullshit of "political correctness" and how it is ruining our society and social structure.... I will state again that this "political correctness" bullshit is of course by design, and is being done by none other than the tribe of "chosen ones" to destroy our cultures and our society... I especially have been going after the absolute bullshit of all of this "transgender" nonsense and how everyone must bow to every god damn bull dyke transgender moron out there and those in the "LBGT" and  other bullshit organizations that want to have their "rights" and have those "rights" forced on everyone....Well, the madness of this crap "transgenderism" has now reached new heights, and I was sent the following report, that has also been mirrored over at Jim Stone's own website at, that should have everyone, especially those living in the UK, up in arms... For according to the following report, from the Telegraph online news service out of the United Kingdom at, apparently the British Girl Guide Organization has bowed to the madness of these kooks and will allow boys (and men) to the age of 25 (!) who consider themselves as "female" to shower with girls!   Here is the link to that report here for everyone to see for themselves, and I have further thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  First, Let me state this clearly... If anyone who has a daughter, is living in the United Kingdom, and is considering having her join the "Girl Guides" to absolutely refuse to do so immediately!  And to parents that have their children in these organizations that allow this type of stupidity to also remove them from such filth immediately as well...Yes, over the last few years we have watched the madness of this sickness take hold everywhere... We have watched as these kooks have forced major store chains such as Target America allow men who "identify as women" to be able to go right into women's washrooms without anyone supposedly able to stop them or to say anything about that travesty.. And of course we have every College and University everywhere having to bow down to these nutcases with their want to have "gender sensitivity" training and to no longer use the terms "he" or "she" when identifying individuals which to me is sheer lunacy... And now we have this?I, as a parent, am appalled by what I see happening to our youth and how this bullshit "transgender" push is truly fucking up our children... People everywhere must take a stand and put an end to this madness before it does destroy our social structure and our societies as a whole...I will be covering more of the bullshit of this "political correctness" bullshit in more articles to come... And I do want readers to send me anything that they come across about this insanity for me to look at and to possibly post more articles here in the near future....The war to save our society as a whole is on....More to comeNTS