Abby Martin "Exposes" Zionism And Israel

I used to watch and follow the works of Abby Martin for a long time when she worked over at the Russia Today television news network... She constantly went out on a limb with some bitter truths about our sick world that other Jew spew media networks would not touch... Those shows also periodically went after the criminal Jewish network which probably put her under the gun of the news network owners and producers... It could explain why she eventually quit RT and has now gone mostly independent in her journalism....Well, just this morning, I found an interesting video where Abby Martin appeared on one of Joe Rogan's radio shows, where she spent almost 1/2 hour talking the truth about Israel and its sickness of "Zionism"... And right now, I want to present that video right here for all of my own readers to view, and I have my own thoughts and comments about what was said to follow:NTS Notes:  I do agree with most of what Abby says in this interview with Joe Rogan... But there are some contentious issues and I will share them here:First, Abby claims that the US controls Israel.  From my own research for decades I found it to be the other way around where the criminal Jewish elite that controls the US get their orders for the US to do Israel's bidding...The US government is in fact nothing more these days than the slaves of their masters in Tel Aviv....I therefore am troubled by Abby stating that this control apparatus is "confusing" for her, when it should be obvious....Second, it is NOT "Zionism" but the entire sickness of Judaism that is the problem... The vast majority of the Jews in Israel are NOT even "semites" but are Khazars that originated from the central steppe region of Russia and basically stole the land of Israel from the Palestinians that had lived there for centuries....Third, the Jewish Rothschilds were always the driving force behind the formation of Israel in Palestine as they not only wanted THAT area for its fraud "Judaic Historical" significance, but to have a window for the vast natural resources wealth of the region.... They were never going to accept their "Jewish state" being anywhere else, period....Other than that, Abby is correct in the unholy and horrific treatment of the Palestinian people by these monsters as she observed during her time visiting the region.... I and others have to agree with her assessment that these fanatics and psychos do indeed want to see every Palestinian removed from the region either through genocide or forced permanent exile... That is why I have said for years that the "peace negotiations" between the psychotic Jews and the Palestinians is nothing more than a smoke screen while the Jewish criminals gobble up what is left of the West Bank area.... AND her findings prove myself correct in my statements that the only future for the Palestinians is to resist and fight back against these monsters.  It will either be fight back or die.....Overall, a pretty good video.. But again Abby did miss some of the obvious in her visit to that region.More to comeNTS