Who Controls The Media? If You Thought CNN Was Bad As A Jew Spew Network, Take A Look At NBC!

A while back, I posted an article with a most interesting graphic of the people who ran, controlled, and spewed the garbage over at CNN.... It was a real eye opener as to how badly the Jewish elite and their cronies controlled and manipulated that "news source" to try to brainwash and mind control the general public..Well, CNN is bad enough, but now comes another most interesting graphic of how much these same scoundrels control the American National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC).... Here is that graphic for all to see here:NTS Notes: WHY am I not surprised?  Again, it is written right in their most diabolical "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" about the need to control and manipulate the Gentiles aka "Goyim" by controlling the media and therefore the message.....Yes, this is one to spread around to everyone and show once again who is generating the real "fake news" and their want to continue to brainwash the "Goyim" to prevent the sheep out there from rising up against their criminality...I am awaiting the findings about how badly this "tribe" of scoundrels control other major Talmudvision networks such as CBS and ABC.... If and when the graphic of the Jewish control of those "networks" comes available, I will post those findings here as well.. Stay tuned...More to comeNTS